A complete data science AI framework to manage live Supply Chain Rx Inventory ERPs using Graph & Predictive Analytics.
Contact: amit@elishconsulting.com
start here:-> https://amitxshukla.github.io/P2P.ai
Complete source code/example notebooks are executed & included in documentation published under GitHub gh-pages branch.
Frontend: Julia, Flutter, Olive AI
Backend: Tiger Graph DB
Rest API: Julia, TGCloud RESTAPI
AI: TigerGraph ML, Julia, Fluxml.ai, H2O.ai, Oracle AutoML
Managing supply chain (Procure 2 Pay operations) is always a challenging tasks for any organization whether small, medium and large. And managing these operations effectively become even more critical for Healthcare providers.
Business user must have complete visibility and require operation intelligence information readily available to make quick, effective and informed decisions.
P2P.ai solves this problem.
It acts as an AI assistant to help user make quick informed decision. As user input, search for Items, Purchase orders, DocCART or other SCM related information, Olive Loop connects to P2P.ai REST API, which render live data & predictive analytics based on pre-trained AI models, historical transactions stored in system.
SCM - Supply chain Management
AUTO_REPL - Auto replenishment - automated Critical Item order when below threshold
Rx - Pharmacy
IN | INV - Inventory
OLTP - Online Transaction Processing system
ITEM - Product
ITEM_CAT - Item Catalogue | Item Category
UNSPSC - United Nations Standard Products and Services Code
PO - Purchase Order
MSR - Material Service Request | internal item transfers among Entities
REQ - Requisition (request to create purchase order)
RECV - Receiving
MXP - Match Exception - Transactions which failed to match
ON_Contract - Items which are on-contract with a given vendor
PREF_ITEM - Items/Products identified as preferred
Vendor - Vendor | Supplier | Manufacturer | Service Provider
ENTITY - Operating business unit | Region | Business group
AT_PAR - Items/Products which are critical to business operations
DocRxCART - Items/Products which are critical to doctor's office
CART_ITEMS - Items/Products which are critical to business operations