- Have a Look at the project structure and folder overview below to understand where to store/upload your contribution
- If you're creating a task, Go to the task folder and create a new folder with the below naming convention and add a README.md with task details and goals to help other contributors understand
- Task Folder Naming Convention : task-n-taskname.(n is the task number) ex: task-1-data-analysis, task-2-model-deployment etc.
- Create a README.md with a table containing information table about all contributions for the task.
- If you're contributing for a task, please make sure to store in relavant location and update the README.md information table with your contribution details.
- Make sure your File names(jupyter notebooks, python files, data sheet file names etc) has proper naming to help others in easily identifing them.
- Please restrict yourself from creating unnessesary folders other than in 'tasks' folder (as above mentioned naming convention) to avoid confusion.
- Clone the repository onto your local machine
git clone https://github.com/Anas436/Chatbot-for-Interview-Preparation.git
- Change directory to the newly cloned directory and run the following command to set up the required virtual environment using Conda
conda env create -f environment.yml
- Reference
- Activate the newly created environment
conda activate omdena_hyd_chatbot
Rename the
file to.env
and populate your HuggingFace Hub API token inside it. -
Run the streamlit application
streamlit run src/tasks/app-building-task/chatbot.py
├── README.md <- The top-level README for developers/collaborators using this project.
├── reports <- Folder containing the final reports/results of this project
│ └── README.md <- Details about final reports and analysis
├── src <- Source code folder for this project
│ │
│ ├── data <- Datasets used and collected for this project
│ │
│ ├── docs <- Folder for Task documentations, │Meeting Presentations and task Workflow Documents and Diagrams.
│ │
│ ├── references <- Data dictionaries, manuals, and all │other explanatory references used
│ │
│ ├── tasks <- Master folder for all individual task │folders
│ │
│ ├── visualizations <- Code and Visualization dashboards │generated for the project
│ │
│ └── results <- Folder to store Final analysis and │modelling results and code.
├── environment.yml <- Conda environment file
├── .env.example <- Template for an .env file
- Original - Folder Containing old/completed Omdena challenge code.
- Reports - Folder to store all Final Reports of this project
- Data - Folder to Store all the data collected and used for this project
- Docs - Folder for Task documentations, Meeting Presentations and task Workflow Documents and Diagrams.
- References - Folder to store any referneced code/research papers and other useful documents used for this project
- Tasks - Master folder for all tasks
- All Task Folder names should follow specific naming convention
- All Task folder names should be in chronologial order (from 1 to n)
- All Task folders should have a README.md file with task Details and task goals along with an info table containing all code/notebook files with their links and information
- Update the task-table whenever a task is created and explain the purpose and goals of the task to others.
- Visualization - Folder to store dashboards, analysis and visualization reports
- Results - Folder to store final analysis modelling results for the project.
- Local Chapter Links here