WPMZ parser and writer for DJI Drone Automation, Extension of KML
import { generateKML, generateXML, KMLTemplate } from "format-wpmz";
// Create a new KML template
const template = new KMLTemplate({
author: "fly",
missionConfig: {
flyToWaylineMode: "safely",
finishAction: "goHome",
exitOnRCLost: "executeLostAction",
executeRCLostAction: "hover",
globalTransitionalSpeed: 17,
droneInfo: {
droneEnumValue: 68,
droneSubEnumValue: 0,
// Generate KML from the template in XML form you can write to a file
const generatedKML = generateKML(template, true);
Basic Mission
// Create mission config
const missionConfig = new MissionConfig({
globalTransitionalSpeed: 12,
// Create a wayline
const wayline = new Wayline({
autoFlightSpeed: 2.5,
// Create waypoints
const waypoint1 = new Waypoint({
index: 0,
coordinate: new Coordinate(-120.382555963215, 37.1612792001469),
executeHeight: 2,
waypointSpeed: 12,
headingParam: new WaypointHeadingParam({
mode: "smoothTransition",
angle: -114,
angleEnable: 1,
turnParam: new WaypointTurnParam({
mode: "toPointAndStopWithContinuityCurvature",
// Create actions for waypoint1
const gimbalActionParam = new ActionFunctionParam("gimbalRotate", {
gimbalHeadingYawBase: "aircraft",
gimbalRotateMode: "absoluteAngle",
gimbalPitchRotateEnable: 1,
gimbalPitchRotateAngle: -0.3,
gimbalRollRotateEnable: 0,
gimbalRollRotateAngle: 0,
gimbalYawRotateEnable: 0,
gimbalYawRotateAngle: 0,
gimbalRotateTimeEnable: 0,
gimbalRotateTime: 0,
payloadPositionIndex: 0,
const action1 = new Action(1, "gimbalRotate", gimbalActionParam);
const actionGroup1 = new ActionGroup({
id: 1,
startIndex: 0,
endIndex: 0,
actions: [action1],
// Create waypoint2
const waypoint2 = new Waypoint({
index: 1,
coordinate: new Coordinate(-120.382376785585, 37.1632062446645),
executeHeight: 4,
waypointSpeed: 12,
turnParam: new WaypointTurnParam({
mode: "toPointAndPassWithContinuityCurvature",
// Add waypoints to wayline
wayline.waypoints.push(waypoint1, waypoint2);
// Create and return the document
return new WPMLDocument({
author: "fly",
createTime: Date.now(),
updateTime: Date.now(),
waylines: [wayline],
import { generateXML, WPMLTemplate } from "format-wpmz";
// Create a new WPML template
const template = new WPMLTemplate();
// Generate WPML from the template in XML form you can write to a file
const generatedWPML = generateXML(template, true);
const template = new KMLTemplate();
deno test
deno run --allow-read --allow-write src/main.ts