- PostgreSQL Express React Node (PERN) full-stack app, integrates React frontend with Node.js backend.
- Currently shows weather data from OpenWeather API. Tutorial code (see 'Inspiration' below)
- Note: to open web links in a new window use: ctrl+click on link
- PostgreSQL needs to be installed and running - I started it from my Windows 10 PostgreSQL 12 dropdown option 'SQL shell (psql)'
- Postman used to test the backend before frontend was available
- Postgresql shell commands:
list all databases.\c database1
connect to database1.\dt
inspect tables.\q
to quit.
- React frontend includes a city selection user input field and a dropdown list of cities. Select a city to see the weather there.
- JavaScript XML (JSX) used to write HTML elements in Javascript
- PostgreSQL v12
- PostgreSQL Installer for Windows
- Express.js middleware v4
- Node.js v12
- Nodemon npm module so backend server will automatically restart after code changes
- OpenWeather API for weather data
- React framework v17
- Create React App used to bootstrap frontend React app
- Bootstrap v4 component library
- Change to
directory - Install dependencies using
npm i
- Install nodemon globally if you don't already have it
- Install PostgreSQL & run it (requires the password you created during installation)
- Add postgresql database & weather API access credentials to .env file
- Run
nodemon server
for a dev server on port 5000
- Change to
directory - Install dependencies using
npm i
. (I have not tried this method and cannot be sure it will work) - Alternatively - and better - bootstrap a new React project using
npx create-react-app my-app
- Run
npm start
. Frontend will open athttp://localhost:3000/
- From top level
runnpm run dev
for a dev server on port 5000 and a React fontend athttp://localhost:3000/
- Static method used to add city to database list of cities.
// callback function - if error return it to callback. If no error then return rows (empty set)
static insert (city, callback) {
db.query('INSERT INTO cities (city_name) VALUES ($1)', [city], (err, res) => {
if (err.error)
return callback(err);
- method to add a city
// fetch an object that has a city property
// after getting city list clear input field
handleAddCity = () => {
fetch('/api/cities', {
method: 'post',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify({ city: this.state.newCityName })
.then(res => res.json())
.then(res => {
this.setState({ newCityName: '' });
- All data stored in PostgreSQL database that can also be viewed and changed from the PostgreSQL shell (psql)
- React app created from the command prompt using Create React App
- Uses the Bootstrap basic table to list todos
- Bootstrap 4 Modal dialog box
- Status: Working front and back ends. App works and stores city names in PostgreSQL database. Deploy to Heroku not working - could be npm dependency issues or missing API access credentials in Heroku.
- To-Do: Change backend so it checks if city already in database before adding it. Add commenting. Add functionality
- Solve deploy issues: retry video 4 from 9.10 to create the correctly named database
- Full Stack React App Tutorial (Beginners) | Part #1 – Introduction
- Full Stack React App Tutorial (Beginners) | Part #2 – Back End
- Full Stack React App Tutorial (Beginners) | Part #3 – Front End
- Full Stack React App Tutorial (Beginners) | Part #4 – Deployment
- Full Stack React App Tutorial (Beginners) | Part #5 – Best Practices (Bonus)
- React documentation
- PostgreSQL Quick Command List
- Enable Emmet support for JSX in Visual Studio Code | React
- js-beautify for VS Code
- N/A
- Repo created by ABateman, email: gomezbateman@yahoo.com