Haploidy using Python.
Easy haploidy estimation.
This tool assesses the haploidy H of a given assembly. H is defined as the fraction of the bases of the genome that are in the collapsed peak C. This metrics is calculated as H=C/(C+U/2), where C is the size (area) of the collapsed peak and U the size of the uncollapsed peak in the per-base coverage histogram of the assembly.
For more information, see: Overcoming uncollapsed haplotypes in long-read assemblies of non-model organisms, Nadège Guiglielmoni, Antoine Houtain, Alessandro Derzelle, Karine Van Doninck, Jean-François Flot, BMC Bioinformatics 22:303, doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-021-04118-3
- Install requirements:
# Install dependencies in a virtual environment (conda or virtualenv)
$ conda create -n happy-env pip numpy pandas scipy matplotlib docopt sambamba
$ conda activate happy-env
- Install
- Using
(previous version)
$ pip install happy-AntoineHo==0.2.1rc0
$ happy --help
- Using
(current version)
$ git clone https://github.com/AntoineHo/HapPy.git
$ python /path/to/happy/Hap.py --help
$ python Hap.py -h
usage: Hap.py [-h] {coverage,estimate} ...
Estimate assembly haploidy based on base depth of coverage histogram.
positional arguments:
coverage Compute coverage histogram for mapping file.
estimate Compute haploidy from coverage histogram.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
This module runs sambamba
on a read alignment file then reads the output depth file to obtain a coverage histogram.
$ python Hap.py coverage -h
usage: Hap.py coverage [-h] [-t THREADS] [-d OUTDIR] MAP
positional arguments:
MAP <FILE> Sorted BAM file after mapping reads to the assembly.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t, --threads <INT> Number of parallel threads allocated for sambamba. Default: 1
-d, --outdir <DIR> Path where the .cov and .hist files are written. Default: 'out'
Takes the .hist output file of module coverage
and outputs metrics in a text file and optionnally as a graph. The size is provided with a value and a unit, ex: G for Gigabases, M for Megabases.
$ python Hap.py estimate -h
usage: Hap.py estimate [-h] -s SIZE -o OUTSTATS [-m MIN_PEAK] [-p PROMINENCE]
[--plot] [--debug] [--no-smooth]
positional arguments:
COV <FILE> Coverage histogram file.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --size <STRING> Estimated haploid genome size. (Recognized modifiers: K,M,G).
-o, --outstats <FILE> Path where haploidy value is written.
-m, --min-peak <INT> Minimum peak height (see SciPy doc). Default: 15000
-p, --prominence <INT> Minimum peak prominence (see SciPy docs). Default: 10000
-vh, --valley-height <INT> Minimum valley height (abs). Default: 15000
-vp, --valley-prominence <INT> Minimum valley prominence (abs). Default: 10000
-w, --window <INT> Window length to use in savgol filter. Default: 41
-ll, --limit-low <INT> Lower threshold of coverage (lower than diploid peak). Default: auto.
-ld, --limit-diploid <INT> Middle threshold of coverage (between diploid and haploid peaks). Default: auto.
-lh, --limit-high <INT> Upper threshold of coverage (higher than haploid peak). Default: auto.
--plot Generate histogram plot. Default: False
--debug Generate more informative plots to debug. Default: False
--no-smooth Skip the smoothing step. Default: False
Here is an example on how to use HapPy
. HapPy
requires a sorted BAM file as input. Here the PacBio long reads are mapped to the assembly with minimap2
, and the output is sorted with samtools
. The sorted BAM file is also indexed with samtools
. The module depth computes the coverage histogram from the BAM file, and the module then estimates the haploidy metrics H. Here the max x value for the contaminant peak is set to 35, the max x value for the diploid peak is set to 120, and the size is set to 102 Mb.
# Align pacbio long reads on the assembly
$ minimap2 -ax map-pb assembly.fasta.gz pacbio_reads.fasta.gz --secondary=no | \
samtools sort -o mapping_LR.map-pb.bam -T tmp.ali
# Index output BAM file
$ samtools index mapping_LR.map-pb.bam
# Obtain coverage histogram with sambamba
$ happy coverage -d happy_output mapping_LR.map-pb.bam
# Estimate Haploidy (manually input peak limits)
$ happy estimate --limit-low 35 --limit-diploid 120 --limit-high 200 -S 102M \
-o happy_stats --plot happy_output/mapping_LR.map-pb.bam.hist
# Estimate Haploidy (try to detect peaks and limits automatically)
$ happy estimate -S 102M -p happy_stats --plot happy_output/mapping_LR.map-pb.bam.hist