Mini-thesis on key detection, where different algorithms are discussed according to their accuracy and speed. Python has been used for prototyping and research purposes only : the final end-user program is available in Clojure only. A Python version will be available soon.
Using Leiningen :
$ lein repl
Simply put all the wav files you need in a folder and specify its path. All the files will be processed in a single run. If you need to analyse a single file, specify the filename.
user=> (use 'neuhon.core)
;; Predict the key of all files located in path/to/your/wave/folder
user=> (process-all "path/to/your/wave/folder")
;; Allow multithreading
user=> (process-all
:threading? true)
;; Sliding window with an overlap of 40% (default to 0.0) -> slower
user=> (process-all
:threading? true
:overlap 0.40)
;; Use the Direct Spectral Kernel Transform
user=> (process-all
:use-cqt? true)
;; Use the Lomb-Scargle least squares spectral estimation
user=> (process-all
:use-cqt? false)
Using Leiningen :
$ lein test
- Pre-processing : Averaging the channels, downsampling
- Overlaying data samples from chunks that are contiguous
- Spectral density estimation with Lomb-Scargle method
- Reshaping the Lomb-Scargle periodogram into a chromatic vector (12 elements)
- Computing the correlation between chromatic vectors and custom tone profiles
- Taking the tone profile that maximizes the Pearson correlation coefficient
- Combine local predictions using Markov chains
- clojure.core.matrix 0.58.0
- 0.1.3
- commons-io 2.5
- intervox/clj-progress 0.2.1
Spectral density estimation :
- Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
- Direct spectral kernel transform (DSKT)
- Vaníček periodogram
- Lomb-Scargle periodogram
Tone prediction :
- Comparing chromatic vectors and Krumhansl's tone profiles
- Comparing chromatic vectors and custom tone profiles
Tone prediction using machine learning :
- Hidden Markov Models and Baum-Welch algorithm
- Input-Output Hidden Markov Model and Generalized Expectation-maximization algorithm
- Classification trees
- Python 2.7
- Numpy (>= 1.6.1)
- Cython
- Theano
- StringIO
- Sci-kit learn
- ArchMM ( )
Copyright © 2016 Neuhon
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0.