Foundry makes creating fixtures data fun again, via an expressive, auto-completable, on-demand fixtures system with Symfony and Doctrine:
$post = PostFactory::new() // Create the factory for Post objects
->published() // Make the post in a "published" state
->create([ // create & persist the Post object
'slug' => 'post-a' // This Post object only requires the slug field - all other fields are random data
The factories can be used inside DoctrineFixturesBundle to load fixtures or inside your tests, where it has even more features.
Want to watch a screencast 🎥 about it? Check out
- Installation
- Same Entities used in these Docs
- Model Factories
- Using with DoctrineFixturesBundle
- Using in your Tests
- Stories
- Bundle Configuration
- Credit
$ composer require zenstruck/foundry --dev
To use the make:*
commands from this bundle, ensure
Symfony MakerBundle
is installed.
If not using Symfony Flex, be sure to enable the bundle in your test/dev environments.
For the remainder of the documentation, the following sample entities will be used:
namespace App\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
* @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="App\Repository\CategoryRepository")
class Category
* @ORM\Id()
* @ORM\GeneratedValue()
* @ORM\Column(type="integer")
private $id;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255)
private $name;
public function __construct(string $name)
$this->name = $name;
// ... getters/setters
namespace App\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
* @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="App\Repository\PostRepository")
class Post
* @ORM\Id()
* @ORM\GeneratedValue()
* @ORM\Column(type="integer")
private $id;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255)
private $title;
* @ORM\Column(type="text", nullable=true)
private $body;
* @ORM\Column(type="datetime")
private $createdAt;
* @ORM\Column(type="datetime", nullable=true)
private $publishedAt;
* @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity=Category::class)
* @ORM\JoinColumn
private $category;
public function __construct(string $title)
$this->title = $title;
$this->createdAt = new \DateTime('now');
// ... getters/setters
The nicest way to use Foundry is to generate one factory class per entity. You can skip this and use anonymous factories, but model factories give you IDE auto-completion and access to other useful features.
Create a model factory for one of your entities with the maker command:
$ bin/console make:factory
> Entity class to create a factory for:
> Post
created: src/Factory/PostFactory.php
Next: Open your new factory and set default values/states.
This command will generate a PostFactory
class that looks like this:
// src/Factory/PostFactory.php
namespace App\Factory;
use App\Entity\Post;
use App\Repository\PostRepository;
use Zenstruck\Foundry\RepositoryProxy;
use Zenstruck\Foundry\ModelFactory;
use Zenstruck\Foundry\Proxy;
* @method static Post|Proxy createOne(array $attributes = [])
* @method static Post[]|Proxy[] createMany(int $number, $attributes = [])
* @method static Post|Proxy find($criteria)
* @method static Post|Proxy findOrCreate(array $attributes)
* @method static Post|Proxy first(string $sortedField = 'id')
* @method static Post|Proxy last(string $sortedField = 'id')
* @method static Post|Proxy random(array $attributes = [])
* @method static Post|Proxy randomOrCreate(array $attributes = []))
* @method static Post[]|Proxy[] all()
* @method static Post[]|Proxy[] findBy(array $attributes)
* @method static Post[]|Proxy[] randomSet(int $number, array $attributes = []))
* @method static Post[]|Proxy[] randomRange(int $min, int $max, array $attributes = []))
* @method static PostRepository|RepositoryProxy repository()
* @method Post|Proxy create($attributes = [])
final class PostFactory extends ModelFactory
public function __construct()
// TODO inject services if required (
protected function getDefaults(): array
return [
// TODO add your default values here (
protected function initialize(): self
// see
return $this
// ->afterInstantiate(function(Post $post) {})
protected static function getClass(): string
return Post::class;
TIP: Using make:factory --test
will generate the factory in tests/Factory
In the getDefaults()
, you can return an array of all default values that any new object
should have. Faker is available to easily get random data:
protected function getDefaults(): array
return [
// Symfony's property-access component is used to populate the properties
// this means that setTitle() will be called or you can have a $title constructor argument
'title' => self::faker()->unique()->sentence(),
'body' => self::faker()->sentence(),
TIP: It is best to have getDefaults()
return the attributes to persist a valid object
(all non-nullable fields).
use App\Factory\PostFactory;
// create/persist Post with random data from `getDefaults()`
// or provide values for some properties (others will be random)
PostFactory::createOne(['title' => 'My Title']);
// createOne() returns the persisted Post object wrapped in a Proxy object
$post = PostFactory::createOne();
// the "Proxy" magically calls the underlying Post methods and is type-hinted to "Post"
$title = $post->getTitle(); // getTitle() can be autocompleted by your IDE!
// if you need the actual Post object, use ->object()
$realPost = $post->object();
// create/persist 5 Posts with random data from getDefaults()
PostFactory::createMany(5); // returns Post[]|Proxy[]
PostFactory::createMany(5, ['title' => 'My Title']);
// find a persisted object for the given attributes, if not found, create with the attributes
PostFactory::findOrCreate(['title' => 'My Title']); // returns Post|Proxy
PostFactory::first(); // get the first object (assumes an auto-incremented "id" column)
PostFactory::first('createdAt'); // assuming "createdAt" is a datetime column, this will return latest object
PostFactory::last(); // get the last object (assumes an auto-incremented "id" column)
PostFactory::last('createdAt'); // assuming "createdAt" is a datetime column, this will return oldest object
PostFactory::truncate(); // empty the database table
PostFactory::count(); // the number of persisted Posts
PostFactory::all(); // Post[]|Proxy[] all the persisted Posts
PostFactory::findBy(['author' => 'kevin']); // Post[]|Proxy[] matching the filter
$post = PostFactory::find(5); // Post|Proxy with the id of 5
$post = PostFactory::find(['title' => 'My First Post']); // Post|Proxy matching the filter
// get a random object that has been persisted
$post = PostFactory::random(); // returns Post|Proxy
$post = PostFactory::random(['author' => 'kevin']); // filter by the passed attributes
// or automatically persist a new random object if none exists
$post = PostFactory::randomOrCreate();
$post = PostFactory::randomOrCreate(['author' => 'kevin']); // filter by or create with the passed attributes
// get a random set of objects that have been persisted
$posts = PostFactory::randomSet(4); // array containing 4 "Post|Proxy" objects
$posts = PostFactory::randomSet(4, ['author' => 'kevin']); // filter by the passed attributes
// random range of persisted objects
$posts = PostFactory::randomRange(0, 5); // array containing 0-5 "Post|Proxy" objects
$posts = PostFactory::randomRange(0, 5, ['author' => 'kevin']); // filter by the passed attributes
You can add any methods you want to your model factories (i.e. static methods that create an object in a certain way) but you can also add states:
namespace App\Factory;
use App\Entity\Post;
use Zenstruck\Foundry\ModelFactory;
final class PostFactory extends ModelFactory
// ...
public function published(): self
// call setPublishedAt() and pass a random DateTime
return $this->addState(['published_at' => self::faker()->dateTime()]);
public function unpublished(): self
return $this->addState(['published_at' => null]);
public function withViewCount(int $count = null): self
return $this->addState(function () use ($count) {
return ['view_count' => $count ?? self::faker()->numberBetween(0, 10000)];
You can use states to make your tests very explicit to improve readability:
// never use the constructor (i.e. "new PostFactory()"), but use the
// "new()" method. After defining the states, call "create()" to create
// and persist the model.
$post = PostFactory::new()->unpublished()->create();
$post = PostFactory::new()->withViewCount(3)->create();
// combine multiple states
$post = PostFactory::new()
// states that don't require arguments can be added as strings to PostFactory::new()
$post = PostFactory::new('published', 'withViewCount')->create();
The attributes used to instantiate the object can be added several ways. Attributes can be an array, or a callable that returns an array. Using a callable ensures random data as the callable is run for each object separately during instantiation.
use App\Entity\Category;
use App\Entity\Post;
use App\Factory\CategoryFactory;
use App\Factory\PostFactory;
use function Zenstruck\Foundry\faker;
// The first argument to "new()" allows you to overwrite the default
// values that are defined in the `PostFactory::getDefaults()`
$posts = PostFactory::new(['title' => 'Post A'])
'body' => 'Post Body...',
// CategoryFactory will be used to create a new Category for each Post
'category' => CategoryFactory::new(['name' => 'php']),
// Proxies are automatically converted to their wrapped object
'category' => CategoryFactory::createOne(),
->withAttributes(function() { return ['createdAt' => faker()->dateTime()]; }) // see faker section below
// create "2" Post's
->many(2)->create(['title' => 'Different Title'])
$post[0]->getTitle(); // "Different Title"
$post[0]->getBody(); // "Post Body..."
$post[0]->getCategory(); // random Category
$post[0]->getPublishedAt(); // \DateTime('last week')
$post[0]->getCreatedAt(); // random \DateTime
$post[1]->getTitle(); // "Different Title"
$post[1]->getBody(); // "Post Body..."
$post[1]->getCategory(); // random Category (different than above)
$post[1]->getPublishedAt(); // \DateTime('last week')
$post[1]->getCreatedAt(); // random \DateTime (different than above)
This library provides a wrapper for FakerPHP/faker to help with generating random data for your factories:
use Zenstruck\Foundry\Factory;
use function Zenstruck\Foundry\faker;
Factory::faker()->name(); // random name
// alternatively, use the helper function
faker()->email(); // random email
NOTE: You can register your own Faker\Generator
# config/packages/dev/zenstruck_foundry.yaml (see Bundle Configuration section about sharing this in the test environment)
locale: fr_FR # set the locale
# or
service: my_faker # use your own instance of Faker\Generator for complete control
The following events can be added to factories. Multiple event callbacks can be added, they are run in the order they were added.
use App\Factory\PostFactory;
use Zenstruck\Foundry\Proxy;
->beforeInstantiate(function(array $attributes): array {
// $attributes is what will be used to instantiate the object, manipulate as required
$attributes['title'] = 'Different title';
return $attributes; // must return the final $attributes
->afterInstantiate(function(Post $object, array $attributes): void {
// $object is the instantiated object
// $attributes contains the attributes used to instantiate the object and any extras
->afterPersist(function(Proxy $object, array $attributes) {
/* @var Post $object */
// this event is only called if the object was persisted
// $proxy is a Proxy wrapping the persisted object
// $attributes contains the attributes used to instantiate the object and any extras
// if the first argument is type-hinted as the object, it will be passed to the closure (and not the proxy)
->afterPersist(function(Post $object, array $attributes) {
// this event is only called if the object was persisted
// $object is the persisted Post object
// $attributes contains the attributes used to instantiate the object and any extras
// multiple events are allowed
->beforeInstantiate(function($attributes) { return $attributes; })
->afterInstantiate(function() {})
->afterPersist(function() {})
You can also add hooks directly in your model factory class:
protected function initialize(): self
return $this
->beforePersist(function() {})
Read Initialization to learn more about the initialize()
You can override your model factory's initialize()
method to add default state/logic:
namespace App\Factory;
use App\Entity\Post;
use Zenstruck\Foundry\ModelFactory;
final class PostFactory extends ModelFactory
// ...
protected function initialize(): self
return $this
->published() // published by default
->instantiateWith(function (array $attributes) {
return new Post(); // custom instantiation for this factory
->afterPersist(function () {}) // default event for this factory
NOTE: Be sure to chain the states/hooks off of $this
because factories are Immutable.
By default, objects are instantiated in the normal fashion, by using the object's constructor. Attributes that match constructor arguments are used. Remaining attributes are set to the object using Symfony's PropertyAccess component (setters/public properties). Any extra attributes cause an exception to be thrown.
You can customize the instantiator in several ways:
use App\Entity\Post;
use App\Factory\PostFactory;
use Zenstruck\Foundry\Instantiator;
// set the instantiator for the current factory
// instantiate the object without calling the constructor
->instantiateWith((new Instantiator())->withoutConstructor())
// "foo" and "bar" attributes are ignored when instantiating
->instantiateWith((new Instantiator())->allowExtraAttributes(['foo', 'bar']))
// all extra attributes are ignored when instantiating
->instantiateWith((new Instantiator())->allowExtraAttributes())
// force set "title" and "body" when instantiating
->instantiateWith((new Instantiator())->alwaysForceProperties(['title', 'body']))
// never use setters, always "force set" properties (even private/protected, does not use setter)
->instantiateWith((new Instantiator())->alwaysForceProperties())
// can combine the different "modes"
->instantiateWith((new Instantiator())->withoutConstructor()->allowExtraAttributes()->alwaysForceProperties())
// the instantiator is just a callable, you can provide your own
->instantiateWith(function(array $attibutes, string $class): object {
return new Post(); // ... your own logic
You can customize the instantiator globally for all your factories (can still be overruled by factory instance instantiators):
# config/packages/dev/zenstruck_foundry.yaml (see Bundle Configuration section about sharing this in the test environment)
without_constructor: true # always instantiate objects without calling the constructor
allow_extra_attributes: true # always ignore extra attributes
always_force_properties: true # always "force set" properties
# or
service: my_instantiator # your own invokable service for complete control
Factory's are immutable:
use App\Factory\PostFactory;
$factory = PostFactory::new();
$factory1 = $factory->withAttributes([]); // returns a new PostFactory object
$factory2 = $factory->instantiateWith(function () {}); // returns a new PostFactory object
$factory3 = $factory->beforeInstantiate(function () {}); // returns a new PostFactory object
$factory4 = $factory->afterInstantiate(function () {}); // returns a new PostFactory object
$factory5 = $factory->afterPersist(function () {}); // returns a new PostFactory object
Assuming your entites follow the best practices for Doctrine Relationships and you are using the default instantiator, Foundry just works with doctrine relationships. There are some nuances with the different relationships and how entities are created. The following tries to document these for each relationship type.
The following assumes the Comment
entity has a many-to-one relationship with Post
use App\Factory\CommentFactory;
use App\Factory\PostFactory;
// Example 1: pre-create Post and attach to Comment
$post = PostFactory::createOne(); // instance of Proxy
CommentFactory::createOne(['post' => $post]);
CommentFactory::createOne(['post' => $post->object()]); // functionally the same as above
// Example 2: pre-create Posts and choose a random one
PostFactory::createMany(5); // create 5 Posts
CommentFactory::createOne(['post' => PostFactory::random()]);
// or create many, each with a different random Post
5, // create 5 comments
function() { // note the callback - this ensures that each of the 5 comments has a different Post
return ['post' => PostFactory::random()]; // each comment set to a random Post from those already in the database
// Example 3: create a separate Post for each Comment
CommentFactory::createMany(5, [
// this attribute is an instance of PostFactory that is created separately for each Comment created
'post' => PostFactory::new(),
// Example 4: create multiple Comments with the same Post
CommentFactory::createMany(5, [
'post' => PostFactory::createOne(), // note the "createOne()" here
TIP 1: It is recommended that the only relationship you define in ModelFactory::getDefaults()
is non-null
TIP 2: It is also recommended that your ModelFactory::getDefaults()
return a Factory
and not the created entity:
protected function getDefaults(): array
return [
'post' => PostFactory::new(),
'post' => PostFactory::new()->published(),
// NOT RECOMMENDED - will potentially result in extra unintended Posts
'post' => PostFactory::createOne(),
'post' => PostFactory::new()->published()->create(),
The following assumes the Post
entity has a one-to-many relationship with Comment
use App\Factory\CommentFactory;
use App\Factory\PostFactory;
// Example 1: Create a Post with 6 Comments
PostFactory::createOne(['comments' => CommentFactory::new()->many(6)]);
// Example 2: Create 6 Posts each with 4 Comments (24 Comments total)
PostFactory::createMany(6, ['comments' => CommentFactory::new()->many(4)]);
// Example 3: Create 6 Posts each with between 0 and 10 Comments
PostFactory::createMany(6, ['comments' => CommentFactory::new()->many(0, 10)]);
The following assumes the Post
entity has a many-to-many relationship with Tag
use App\Factory\PostFactory;
use App\Factory\TagFactory;
// Example 1: pre-create Tags and attach to Post
$tags = TagFactory::createMany(3);
PostFactory::createOne(['tags' => $tags]);
// Example 2: pre-create Tags and choose a random set
->many(5) // create 5 posts
->create(function() { // note the callback - this ensures that each of the 5 posts has a different random set
return ['tags' => TagFactory::randomSet(2)]; // each post uses 2 random tags from those already in the database
// Example 3: pre-create Tags and choose a random range
->many(5) // create 5 posts
->create(function() { // note the callback - this ensures that each of the 5 posts has a different random range
return ['tags' => TagFactory::randomRange(0, 5)]; // each post uses between 0 and 5 random tags from those already in the database
// Example 4: create 3 Posts each with 3 unique Tags
PostFactory::createMany(3, ['tags' => TagFactory::new()->many(3)]);
// Example 5: create 3 Posts each with between 0 and 3 unique Tags
PostFactory::createMany(3, ['tags' => TagFactory::new()->many(0, 3)]);
If your factories require dependencies, you can define them as a service. The following example demonstrates a very
common use-case: encoding a password with the UserPasswordEncoderInterface
// src/Factory/UserFactory.php
namespace App\Story;
use App\Entity\User;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder\UserPasswordEncoderInterface;
use Zenstruck\Foundry\ModelFactory;
final class UserFactory extends ModelFactory
private $passwordEncoder;
public function __construct(UserPasswordEncoderInterface $passwordEncoder)
$this->passwordEncoder = $passwordEncoder;
protected function getDefaults(): array
return [
'email' => self::faker()->unique()->safeEmail(),
'password' => '1234',
protected function initialize(): self
return $this
->afterInstantiate(function(User $user) {
$user->setPassword($this->passwordEncoder->encodePassword($user, $user->getPassword()));
protected static function getClass(): string
return User::class;
If using a standard Symfony Flex app, this will be autowired/autoconfigured. If not, register the service and tag
with foundry.factory
Use the factory as normal:
UserFactory::createOne(['password' => 'mypass'])->getPassword(); // "mypass" encoded
UserFactory::createOne()->getPassword(); // "1234" encoded (because "1234" is set as the default password)
- The provided bundle is required for factories as services.
- If using
make:factory --test
, factories will be created in thetests/Factory
directory which is not autowired/autoconfigured in a standard Symfony Flex app. You will have to manually register these as services.
Foundry can be used to create factories for entities that you don't have model factories for:
use App\Entity\Post;
use Zenstruck\Foundry\AnonymousFactory;
use function Zenstruck\Foundry\factory;
use function Zenstruck\Foundry\create;
use function Zenstruck\Foundry\create_many;
$factory = AnonymousFactory::new(Post::class);
$factory = factory(Post::class); // alternative to above
// has the same API as ModelFactory's
$factory->create(['field' => 'value']);
$factory->many(5)->create(['field' => 'value']);
$factory->instantiateWith(function () {});
$factory->beforeInstantiate(function () {});
$factory->afterInstantiate(function () {});
$factory->afterPersist(function () {});
// find a persisted object for the given attributes, if not found, create with the attributes
$factory->findOrCreate(['title' => 'My Title']);
$factory->first(); // get the first object (assumes an auto-incremented "id" column)
$factory->first('createdAt'); // assuming "createdAt" is a datetime column, this will return latest object
$factory->last(); // get the last object (assumes an auto-incremented "id" column)
$factory->last('createdAt'); // assuming "createdAt" is a datetime column, this will return oldest object
$factory->truncate(); // empty the database table
$factory->count(); // the number of persisted Post's
$factory->all(); // Post[]|Proxy[] all the persisted Post's
$factory->findBy(['author' => 'kevin']); // Post[]|Proxy[] matching the filter
$factory->find(5); // Post|Proxy with the id of 5
$factory->find(['title' => 'My First Post']); // Post|Proxy matching the filter
// get a random object that has been persisted
$factory->random(); // returns Post|Proxy
$factory->random(['author' => 'kevin']); // filter by the passed attributes
// or automatically persist a new random object if none exists
$factory->randomOrCreate(['author' => 'kevin']); // filter by or create with the passed attributes
// get a random set of objects that have been persisted
$factory->randomSet(4); // array containing 4 "Post|Proxy" objects
$factory->randomSet(4, ['author' => 'kevin']); // filter by the passed attributes
// random range of persisted objects
$factory->randomRange(0, 5); // array containing 0-5 "Post|Proxy" objects
$factory->randomRange(0, 5, ['author' => 'kevin']); // filter by the passed attributes
// repository proxy wrapping PostRepository (see Repository Proxy section below)
// convenience functions
$entity = create(Post::class, ['field' => 'value']);
$entities = create_many(Post::class, 5, ['field' => 'value']);
Factories can also create objects without persisting them. This can be useful for unit tests where you just want to test
the behaviour of the actual object or for creating objects that are not entities. When created, they are still wrapped
in a Proxy
to optionally save later.
use App\Factory\PostFactory;
use App\Entity\Post;
use Zenstruck\Foundry\AnonymousFactory;
use function Zenstruck\Foundry\instantiate;
use function Zenstruck\Foundry\instantiate_many;
$post = PostFactory::new()->withoutPersisting()->create(); // returns Post|Proxy
$post->setTitle('something else'); // do something with object
$post->save(); // persist the Post (save() is a method on Proxy)
$post = PostFactory::new()->withoutPersisting()->create()->object(); // actual Post object
$posts = PostFactory::new()->withoutPersisting()->many(5)->create(); // returns Post[]|Proxy[]
// anonymous factories:
$factory = new AnonymousFactory(Post::class);
$entity = $factory->withoutPersisting()->create(['field' => 'value']); // returns Post|Proxy
$entity = $factory->withoutPersisting()->create(['field' => 'value'])->object(); // actual Post object
$entities = $factory->withoutPersisting()->many(5)->create(['field' => 'value']); // returns Post[]|Proxy[]
// convenience functions
$entity = instantiate(Post::class, ['field' => 'value']);
$entities = instantiate_many(Post::class, 5, ['field' => 'value']);
If you'd like your model factory to not persist by default, override its initialize()
method to add this behaviour:
protected function initialize(): self
return $this
Now, after creating objects using this factory, you'd have to call ->save()
to actually persist them to the database.
TIP: If you'd like to disable persisting by default for all your model factories:
- Create an abstract model factory that extends
. - Override the
method as shown above. - Have all your model factories extend from this.
Foundry works out of the box with DoctrineFixturesBundle. You can simply use your factories and stories right within your fixture files:
// src/DataFixtures/AppFixtures.php
namespace App\DataFixtures;
use App\Factory\CategoryFactory;
use App\Factory\CommentFactory;
use App\Factory\PostFactory;
use App\Factory\TagFactory;
use Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\Fixture;
use Doctrine\Persistence\ObjectManager;
class AppFixtures extends Fixture
public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
// create 10 Category's
// create 20 Tag's
// create 50 Post's
PostFactory::createMany(50, function() {
return [
// each Post will have a random Category (chosen from those created above)
'category' => CategoryFactory::random(),
// each Post will have between 0 and 6 Tag's (chosen from those created above)
'tags' => TagFactory::randomRange(0, 6),
// each Post will have between 0 and 10 Comment's that are created new
'comments' => CommentFactory::new()->many(0, 10),
Run the doctrine:fixtures:load
as normal to seed your database.
Traditionally, data fixtures are defined in one or more files outside of your tests. When writing tests using these fixtures, your fixtures are a sort of a black box. There is no clear connection between the fixtures and what you are testing.
Foundry allows each individual test to fully follow the AAA ("Arrange", "Act", "Assert") testing pattern. You create your fixtures using "factories" at the beginning of each test. You only create fixtures that are applicable for the test. Additionally, these fixtures are created with only the attributes required for the test - attributes that are not applicable are filled with random data. The created fixture objects are wrapped in a "proxy" that helps with pre and post assertions.
Let's look at an example:
public function test_can_post_a_comment(): void
// 1. "Arrange"
$post = PostFactory::new() // New Post factory
->published() // Make the post in a "published" state
->create([ // Instantiate Post object and persist
'slug' => 'post-a' // This test only requires the slug field - all other fields are random data
// 1a. "Pre-Assertions"
$this->assertCount(0, $post->getComments());
// 2. "Act"
static::ensureKernelShutdown(); // creating factories boots the kernel; shutdown before creating the client
$client = static::createClient();
$client->request('GET', '/posts/post-a'); // Note the slug from the arrange step
$client->submitForm('Add', [
'comment[name]' => 'John',
'comment[body]' => 'My comment',
// 3. "Assert"
$this->assertCount(1, $post->refresh()->getComments()); // Refresh $post from the database and call ->getComments()
CommentFactory::assert()->exists([ // Doctrine repository assertions
'name' => 'John',
'body' => 'My comment',
Add the Factories
trait for tests using factories:
use App\Factory\PostFactory;
use Zenstruck\Foundry\Test\Factories;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase;
class MyTest extends WebTestCase
use Factories;
public function test_1(): void
$post = PostFactory::createOne();
// ...
This library requires that your database be reset before each test. The packaged ResetDatabase
trait handles this for
you. Before the first test, it drops (if exists) and creates the test database. Before each test, it resets the schema.
use Zenstruck\Foundry\Test\Factories;
use Zenstruck\Foundry\Test\ResetDatabase;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase;
class MyTest extends WebTestCase
use ResetDatabase, Factories;
// ...
TIP: Create a base TestCase for tests using factories to avoid adding the traits to every TestCase.
NOTE: If your tests are not persisting the objects they create, these test traits are not required.
By default, ResetDatabase
resets the default configured connection's database and default configured object manager's
schema. To customize the connection's and object manager's to be reset (or reset multiple connections/managers), set the
following environment variables:
# .env.test
Objects created by a factory are wrapped in a special Proxy object. These objects allow your doctrine entities to have Active Record like behavior:
use App\Factory\PostFactory;
$post = PostFactory::createOne()->create(['title' => 'My Title']); // instance of Zenstruck\Foundry\Proxy
// get the wrapped object
$realPost = $post->object(); // instance of Post
// call any Post method
$post->getTitle(); // "My Title"
// set property and save to the database
$post->setTitle('New Title');
// refresh from the database
// delete from the database
$post->repository(); // repository proxy wrapping PostRepository (see Repository Proxy section below)
Object proxies have helper methods to access non-public properties of the object they wrap:
// set private/protected properties
$post->forceSet('createdAt', new \DateTime());
// get private/protected properties
Object proxies have the option to enable auto refreshing that removes the need to call ->refresh()
before calling
methods on the underlying object. When auto-refresh is enabled, most calls to proxy objects first refresh the wrapped
object from the database.
use App\Factory\PostFactory;
$post = PostFactory::new(['title' => 'Original Title'])
// ... logic that changes the $post title to "New Title" (like your functional test)
$post->getTitle(); // "New Title" (equivalent to $post->refresh()->getTitle())
Without auto-refreshing enabled, the above call to $post->getTitle()
would return "Original Title".
NOTE: A situation you need to be aware of when using auto-refresh is that all methods refresh the object first. If changing the object's state via multiple methods (or multiple force-sets), an "unsaved changes" exception will be thrown:
use App\Factory\PostFactory;
$post = PostFactory::new(['title' => 'Original Title', 'body' => 'Original Body'])
$post->setTitle('New Title');
$post->setBody('New Body'); // exception thrown because of "unsaved changes" to $post from above
To overcome this, you need to first disable auto-refreshing, then re-enable after making/saving the changes:
use App\Entity\Post;
use App\Factory\PostFactory;
$post = PostFactory::new(['title' => 'Original Title', 'body' => 'Original Body'])
$post->setTitle('New Title'); // or using ->forceSet('title', 'New Title')
$post->setBody('New Body'); // or using ->forceSet('body', 'New Body')
$post->getBody(); // "New Body"
$post->getTitle(); // "New Title"
// alternatively, use the ->withoutAutoRefresh() helper which first disables auto-refreshing, then re-enables after
// executing the callback.
$post->withoutAutoRefresh(function (Post $post) { // can pass either Post or Proxy to the callback
$post->setTitle('New Title');
$post->setBody('New Body');
// if force-setting properties, you can use the ->forceSetAll() helper:
'title' => 'New Title',
'body' => 'New Body',
NOTE: You can enable/disable auto-refreshing globally to have every proxy auto-refreshable by default or not. When enabled, you will have to opt-out of auto-refreshing.
# config/packages/dev/zenstruck_foundry.yaml (see Bundle Configuration section about sharing this in the test environment)
auto_refresh_proxies: true/false
This library provides a Repository Proxy that wraps your object repositories to provide useful assertions and methods:
use App\Entity\Post;
use App\Factory\PostFactory;
use function Zenstruck\Foundry\repository;
// instance of RepositoryProxy that wraps PostRepository
$repository = PostFactory::repository();
// alternative to above for proxying repository you haven't created model factories for
$repository = repository(Post::class);
// helpful methods - all returned object(s) are proxied
$repository->count(); // number of rows in the database table
count($repository); // equivalent to above (RepositoryProxy implements \Countable)
$repository->first(); // get the first object (assumes an auto-incremented "id" column)
$repository->first('createdAt'); // assuming "createdAt" is a datetime column, this will return latest object
$repository->last(); // get the last object (assumes an auto-incremented "id" column)
$repository->last('createdAt'); // assuming "createdAt" is a datetime column, this will return oldest object
$repository->truncate(); // delete all rows in the database table
$repository->random(); // get a random object
$repository->random(['author' => 'kevin']); // get a random object filtered by the passed criteria
$repository->randomSet(5); // get 5 random objects
$repository->randomSet(5, ['author' => 'kevin']); // get 5 random objects filtered by the passed criteria
$repository->randomRange(0, 5); // get 0-5 random objects
$repository->randomRange(0, 5, ['author' => 'kevin']); // get 0-5 random objects filtered by the passed criteria
// instance of ObjectRepository - all returned object(s) are proxied
$repository->find(1); // Proxy|Post|null
$repository->find(['title' => 'My Title']); // Proxy|Post|null
$repository->findOneBy(['title' => 'My Title']); // Proxy|Post|null
$repository->findAll(); // Proxy[]|Post[]
iterator_to_array($repository); // equivalent to above (RepositoryProxy implements \IteratorAggregate)
$repository->findBy(['title' => 'My Title']); // Proxy[]|Post[]
// can call methods on the underlying repository - returned object(s) are proxied
$repository->findOneByTitle('My Title'); // Proxy|Post|null
Both object proxy's and your ModelFactory's have helpful PHPUnit assertions:
use App\Factory\PostFactory;
$post = PostFactory::createOne();
PostFactory::assert()->exists(['title' => 'My Title']);
PostFactory::assert()->notExists(['title' => 'My Title']);
If you have an initial database state you want for all tests, you can set this in your tests/bootstrap.php
// tests/bootstrap.php
// ...
Zenstruck\Foundry\Test\TestState::addGlobalState(function () {
CategoryFactory::createOne(['name' => 'php']);
CategoryFactory::createOne(['name' => 'symfony']);
To avoid your bootstrap file from becoming too complex, it is best to wrap your global state into a Story:
// tests/bootstrap.php
// ...
Zenstruck\Foundry\Test\TestState::addGlobalState(function () {
- You can still access Story State for Global State Stories in your tests and they are still only loaded once.
- The
trait is required when using global state.
It is possible to use factories in PHPUnit data providers:
use App\Factory\PostFactory;
* @dataProvider postDataProvider
public function test_post_via_data_provider(PostFactory $factory): void
$post = $factory->create();
// ...
public static function postDataProvider(): iterable
yield [PostFactory::new()];
yield [PostFactory::new()->published()];
- Be sure your data provider returns only instances of
and you do not try and call->create()
on them. Data providers are computed early in the phpunit process before Foundry is booted. - For the same reason as above, it is not possible to use Factory Services with required constructor arguments (the container is not yet available).
The following are possible options to improve the speed of your test suite.
This library integrates seamlessly with DAMADoctrineTestBundle to wrap each test in a transaction which dramatically reduces test time. This library's test suite runs 5x faster with this bundle enabled.
Follow its documentation to install. Foundry's ResetDatabase
trait detects when using the bundle and adjusts
accordingly. Your database is still reset before running your test suite but the schema isn't reset before each test
(just the first).
NOTE: If using Global State, it is persisted to the database (not in a transaction) before your test suite is run. This could further improve test speed if you have a complex global state.
Disable debug mode when running tests. In your
file, you can setAPP_DEBUG=0
to have your tests run without debug mode. This can speed up your tests considerably. You will need to ensure you cache is cleared before running the test suite. The best place to do this is in yourtests/bootstrap.php
:// tests/bootstrap.php // ... if (false === (bool) $_SERVER['APP_DEBUG']) { // ensure fresh cache (new Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem())->remove(__DIR__.'/../var/cache/test'); }
Reduce password encoder work factor. If you have a lot of tests that work with encoded passwords, this will cause these tests to be unnecessarily slow. You can improve the speed by reducing the work factor of your encoder:
# config/packages/test/security.yaml encoders: # use your user class name here App\Entity\User: # This should be the same value as in config/packages/security.yaml algorithm: auto cost: 4 # Lowest possible value for bcrypt time_cost: 3 # Lowest possible value for argon memory_cost: 10 # Lowest possible value for argon
Pre-encode user passwords with a known value via
bin/console security:encode-password
and set this inModelFactory::getDefaults()
. Add the known value as aconst
on your factory:class UserFactory extends ModelFactory { public const DEFAULT_PASSWORD = '1234'; // the password used to create the pre-encoded version below protected function getDefaults(): array { return [ // ... 'password' => '$argon2id$v=19$m=65536,t=4,p=1$pLFF3D2gnvDmxMuuqH4BrA$3vKfv0cw+6EaNspq9btVAYc+jCOqrmWRstInB2fRPeQ', ]; } }
Now, in your tests, when you need access to the unencoded password for a user created with
, useUserFactory::DEFAULT_PASSWORD
Foundry can be used in standard PHPUnit unit tests (TestCase's that just extend PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
and not
). These tests still require using the Factories
trait to boot
Foundry but will not have doctrine available. Factories created in these tests will not be persisted (calling
is not necessary). Because the bundle is not available in these tests,
any bundle configuration you have will not be picked up. You will need to add
Test-Only Configuration. Unfortunately, this may mean duplicating your bundle configuration
use App\Factory\PostFactory;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Zenstruck\Foundry\Test\Factories;
class MyUnitTest extends TestCase
use Factories;
public function some_test(): void
$post = PostFactory::createOne();
// $post is not persisted to the database
NOTE: Factories as Services and Stories as Services with required
constructor arguments are not usable in non-Kernel tests. The container is not available to resolve their dependencies.
The easiest work-around is to make the test an instance of Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\KernelTestCase
so the
container is available.
Foundry can be configured statically, with pure PHP, in your tests/bootstrap.php
. This is useful if you have a mix
of Kernel and non-Kernel tests or if using Foundry without the bundle:
// tests/bootstrap.php
// ...
// configure a default instantiator
(new Zenstruck\Foundry\Instantiator())
// configure a custom faker
// enable auto-refreshing "globally"
// disable auto-refreshing "globally"
NOTE: If using bundle configuration as well, test-only configuration will override the bundle configuration.
The provided bundle is not strictly required to use Foundry for tests. You can have all your factories, stories, and
configuration live in your tests/
directory. You can configure foundry with
Test-Only Configuration.
Stories are useful if you find your test's arrange step is getting complex (loading lots of fixtures) or duplicating logic between tests and/or your dev fixtures. They are used to extract a specific database state into a story. Stories can be loaded in your fixtures and in your tests, they can also depend on other stories.
Create a story using the maker command:
$ bin/console make:story Post
NOTE: Creates PostStory.php
in src/Story
, add --test
flag to create in tests/Story
Modify the build method to set the state for this story:
// src/Story/PostStory.php
namespace App\Story;
use App\Factory\CategoryFactory;
use App\Factory\PostFactory;
use App\Factory\TagFactory;
use Zenstruck\Foundry\Story;
final class PostStory extends Story
public function build(): void
// create 10 Category's
// create 20 Tag's
// create 50 Post's
PostFactory::createMany(50, function() {
return [
// each Post will have a random Category (created above)
'category' => CategoryFactory::random(),
// each Post will between 0 and 6 Tag's (created above)
'tags' => TagFactory::randomRange(0, 6),
Use the new story in your tests, dev fixtures, or even other stories:
PostStory::load(); // loads the state defined in PostStory::build()
PostStory::load(); // does nothing - already loaded
NOTE: Objects persisted in stories are cleared after each test (unless it is a "Global State Story").
If your stories require dependencies, you can define them as a service:
// src/Story/PostStory.php
namespace App\Story;
use App\Factory\PostFactory;
use App\Service\ServiceA;
use App\Service\ServiceB;
use Zenstruck\Foundry\Story;
final class PostStory extends Story
private $serviceA;
private $serviceB;
public function __construct(ServiceA $serviceA, ServiceB $serviceB)
$this->serviceA = $serviceA;
$this->serviceB = $serviceB;
public function build(): void
// can use $this->serviceA, $this->serviceB here to help build this story
If using a standard Symfony Flex app, this will be autowired/autoconfigured. If not, register the service and tag
with foundry.story
NOTE: The provided bundle is required for stories as services.
Another feature of stories is the ability for them to remember the objects they created to be referenced later:
// src/Story/CategoryStory.php
namespace App\Story;
use App\Factory\CategoryFactory;
use Zenstruck\Foundry\Story;
final class CategoryStory extends Story
public function build(): void
$this->add('php', CategoryFactory::createOne(['name' => 'php']));
// factories are created when added as state
$this->add('symfony', CategoryFactory::new(['name' => 'symfony']));
Later, you can access the story's state when creating other fixtures:
PostFactory::createOne(['category' => CategoryStory::load()->get('php')]);
// or use the magic method (functionally equivalent to above)
PostFactory::createOne(['category' => CategoryStory::php()]);
NOTE: Story state is cleared after each test (unless it is a "Global State Story").
Since the bundle is intended to be used in your dev and test environments, you'll want the configuration for each environment to match. The easiest way to do this is have your test config, import dev. This way, there is just one place to set your config.
# config/packages/dev/zenstruck_foundry.yaml
# ...
# config/packages/test/zenstruck_foundry.yaml
# just import the dev config
- { resource: ../dev/zenstruck_foundry.yaml }
# Whether to auto-refresh proxies by default (
auto_refresh_proxies: true
# Configure faker to be used by your factories.
# Change the default faker locale.
locale: null # Example: fr_FR
# Customize the faker service.
service: null # Example: my_faker
# Configure the default instantiator used by your factories.
# Whether or not to call an object's constructor during instantiation.
without_constructor: false
# Whether or not to allow extra attributes.
allow_extra_attributes: false
# Whether or not to skip setters and force set object properties (public/private/protected) directly.
always_force_properties: false
# Customize the instantiator service.
service: null # Example: my_instantiator
You can also use PHP syntax. Click to see how.
Add this line in your src/Kernel.php
protected function configureContainer(ContainerConfigurator $container): void
+ $container->import('../config/{packages}/'.$this->environment.'/*.php');
And now you are ready to create the zenstruck_foundry.php
// config/packages/dev/zenstruck_foundry.php
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\ContainerConfigurator;
return static function (ContainerConfigurator $config): void
$config->extension('zenstruck_foundry', [
// Whether to auto-refresh proxies by default (
'auto_refresh_proxies' => false,
// Configure faker to be used by your factories.
'faker' => [
// Change the default faker locale.
'locale' => null,
// Customize the faker service.
'service' => null
// Configure the default instantiator used by your factories.
'instantiator' => [
// Whether or not to call an object's constructor during instantiation.
'without_constructor' => false,
// Whether or not to allow extra attributes.
'allow_extra_attributes' => false,
// Whether or not to skip setters and force set object properties (public/private/protected) directly.
'always_force_properties' => false,
// Customize the instantiator service.
'service' => null
The AAA style of testing was first introduced to me by Adam Wathan's excellent Test Driven Laravel Course. The inspiration for this libraries API comes from Laravel factories and christophrumpel/laravel-factories-reloaded.