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RAPx is a static Rust analysis platform developed by researchers at Artisan-Lab, Fudan University. The project aims to provide a foundation for Rust programmers to develop or use advanced static analysis features beyond those offered by the rustc compiler. For further details, please refer to the RAPx-Book.

The project is still under heavy development.

Quick Start

Install nightly-2024-10-12 on which rapx is compiled with. This just needs to do once on your machine. If the toolchain exists, this will do nothing.

rustup toolchain install nightly-2024-10-12 --profile minimal --component rustc-dev,rust-src,llvm-tools-preview
cargo +nightly-2024-10-12 install rapx --git


Navigate to your Rust project folder containing a Cargo.toml file. Then run cargo-rapx with toolchain override shorthand syntax.

cargo rapx [rapx options] -- [cargo check options]

where `-- [cargo check options]` is optional, and if specified, they are passed to cargo check.

Alternatively, you can switch to the pinned toolchain ahead of time:

# set up rapx's toolchain as default
rustup default nightly-2024-10-12

# run cargo rapx without +toolchain syntax any more
cargo rapx [rapx options] -- [cargo check options]

Check out supported options with -help:

cargo rapx -help 

or by manually specifying the toolchain version.

cargo +nightly-2024-10-12 rapx -help 

Environment variables (Values are case insensitive):

var default when absent one of these values description
RAP_LOG info debug, info, warn verbosity of logging
RAP_CLEAN true true, false run cargo clean before check
RAP_RECURSIVE none none, shallow, deep scope of packages to check


  • none: check for current folder
  • shallow: check for current workpace members
  • deep: check for all workspaces from current folder

NOTE: for shallow or deep, rapx will enter each member folder to do the check.

Alias Analysis

The following command analyzes each function and output the aliases.

RAP_LOG=debug cargo rapx -alias=mop

If RAPx gets stuck after executing cargo clean, try manually downloading metadata dependencies by running cargo metadata.

API-dependency Graph

The following command generates the API-dependency graph, which is useful for code synthesis, e.g., generating fuzz drivers.

cargo rapx -api-dep

The generated dot file can be visualized via graphviz.

dot -Tpng -o output.png

Use-After-Free Detection

Detect bugs such as use-after-free and double free in Rust crates caused by unsafe code.

cargo rapx -F

Memory Leakage Detection

Detect memory leakage bugs caused by apis like ManuallyDrop and into_raw().

cargo rapx -M


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