CRUD app (CRA-TypeScript build). Check it Live here
- Latest web browser to run app on website (Google Chrome)
- To run git commands you need Git installed
- To run npm commands you need node installed
a) Download project via git
Run commands in terminal:
git clone
cd real-estate-classifieds-website
npm install
b) Download project manually from GitHub
- Download project from this link
- Unzip file
- Open terminal in project's directory and run
npm install
Useful npm scripts - run in project's directory:
Servers and build:
- Dev server
npm run watch:dev
- Build server
npm run watch:prod
- Production build
npm run build:prod
Code formatting scripts
- Lint project's code with eslint
npm run lint
- Fix all linter's warnings
npm run lint:fix
- Format project's code with prettier
npm run format:prettier
Deploying to firebase:
- Deploy script
npm run deploy
Technologies used during development process:
- Create-react-app-typescript
- Material UI v5
- eslint-prettier
- React router v6
- Firebase
- CRUD operations
Please open an issue for support.
Please contribute using Github Flow. Create a branch, add commits, and open a pull request.
You can check out the full license here.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.