51 commits
to master
since this release
What's Changed
- Replaced 0/0 error toast with alert popup Issue#2 by @SaranshBaniyal in #5
- Main Screen UI modified and Minor changes in MainActivity.kt by @Abhishek-5455 in #3
- update Gradle file So that it can run in Every pc by @Suryansh1720001 in #6
- Vibration is added to Every button for delight by @Suryansh1720001 in #7
- When Answer was in truncation it was appearing as a Toast message and… by @ashupandey1620 in #11
- Add on click satisfactory sound on functional keys by @Suryansh1720001 in #12
- Added Manual Toggle button to switch dark mode by @Interstellar07 in #14
- Revert "Added Manual Toggle button to switch dark mode" by @AyushAgnihotri2025 in #15
- Added Dark Mode Option by @Interstellar07 in #17
- Merge pull request from ashupandey1620/master by @ashupandey1620 in #18
- update factorial function by @ashupandey1620 in #19
- Merge pull request from ashupandey1620/master by @ashupandey1620 in #20
- Bug fix for Dark mode toggle switch reset by @amaan-lari in #23
- made the necessary UI enhancements and made dark mode access convenient by @ksh1710 in #26
- hamburger color fix by @ksh1710 in #29
- updated readme images by @ksh1710 in #32
- Backspace button added by @TheNPDev in #31
- Fix: Factorial Logical Error by @sidd5142 in #37
- Now share button also shares banner of the app with link by @TheNPDev in #35
New Contributors
- @SaranshBaniyal made their first contribution in #5
- @Abhishek-5455 made their first contribution in #3
- @Suryansh1720001 made their first contribution in #6
- @ashupandey1620 made their first contribution in #11
- @Interstellar07 made their first contribution in #14
- @AyushAgnihotri2025 made their first contribution in #15
- @amaan-lari made their first contribution in #23
- @ksh1710 made their first contribution in #26
- @TheNPDev made their first contribution in #31
- @sidd5142 made their first contribution in #37
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0