Python library to interface with PushBullet
My friend showed me PushBullet, I liked it. I like Python, combine the two to achieve greatness.
You will need...
- Python (2 or 3 should be fine)
If you install pyPushBullet via pip install git+
the dependencies should be install automatically.
However, if you want to install manually, you will need:
- websocket-client -
pip install websocket-client
- requests -
pip install requests
And for automatic file type detection for pushFile (optional):
- python-magic -
pip install python-magic
You can get your API Key from
Using the library:
from pushbullet.pushbullet import PushBullet
p = PushBullet(apiKey)
# Get a list of devices
devices = p.getDevices()
# Get a list of contacts
contacts = p.getContacts()
# Send a note
p.pushNote(devices[0]["iden"], 'Hello world', 'Test body')
# Send a map location
p.pushAddress(devices[0]["iden"], "Eiffel tower", "Eeiffel tower, france")
# Send a list
p.pushList(devices[0]["iden"], "Groceries", ["Apples", "Bread", "Milk"])
# Send a link
p.pushLink(devices[0]["iden"], "Google", "")
# Send a file
p.pushFile(devices[0]["iden"], "file.txt", "This is a text file", open("file.txt", "rb"))
# Send a note to a channel
p.pushNote('channel_tag', 'Hello world', 'Test body', recipient_type='channel_tag')
# Send a note to an email
p.pushNote('', 'Hello world', 'Test body', recipient_type='email')
Using the command line tool:
./ YOUR_API_KEY_HERE getdevices
./ YOUR_API_KEY_HERE note udeCmddJpl "Hello World" "Test Body"
./ YOUR_API_KEY_HERE address udeCmddJpl "Eiffel tower" "Eeiffel tower, france"
./ YOUR_API_KEY_HERE list udeCmddJpl Groceries Apples Bread Milk
./ YOUR_API_KEY_HERE link udeCmddJpl Google
./ YOUR_API_KEY_HERE file udeCmddJpl test.jpg
./ YOUR_API_KEY_HERE note "#channel_tag" "Hello World" "Test Body"
Questions? Comments? Feel free to drop me a line on IRC, #azelphur