Converts Markdown and HTML (GitHub flavor) into NexusMods and Steam BBCode flavor. Might be opionated with the HTML conversion, since there are a few ways to interpret HTML
dotnet tool install -g Converter.MarkdownToBBCodeNM.Tool
dotnet tool install -g Converter.MarkdownToBBCodeSteam.Tool
When installed as a global tool:
# NexusMods
markdown_to_bbcodenm -i "**raw markdown**"
markdown_to_bbcodenm -i "~~raw\r\nmarkdown~~" --disableextended
markdown_to_bbcodenm -i "/";
markdown_to_bbcodenm -i "/" -o "/bbcode.txt";
# Steam
markdown_to_bbcodesteam -i "**raw markdown**"
markdown_to_bbcodesteam -i "~~raw\r\nmarkdown~~" --disableextended
markdown_to_bbcodesteam -i "/";
markdown_to_bbcodesteam -i "/" -o "/bbcode.txt";
-i or --input
accepts both raw markdown and a file path.
-o or --output
accepts a file path. If specified, will write the
converted BBCode to the file instead of outputting to the console.
-d or --disableextended
will disable newline detection via two spaces
and will disable HTML conversion
At the time of writing the tool, it was used to keep in sync the description of the BLSE mod for Bannerlord.
BLSE - GitHub -> NexusMods
MCM - GitHub -> NexusMods & GitHub -> Steam
- You can ignore an HTML element by adding
attribute to the element<p converter_ignore>WILL NOT BE CONVERTED TO BBCODE</p> <p converter_nexusmods>WILL NOT BE CONVERTED TO BBCODE FOR STEAM</p> <p converter_steam>WILL NOT BE CONVERTED TO BBCODE FOR NEXUSMODS</p>
- You can set an alternative
for a link for NexusMods/Steam by adding anexusmods_href
attribute to the element<a href="MARKDOWN_LINK" nexusmods_href="NEXUSMODS_LINK" /> </a>
- You can set an alternative
for an image for NexusMods/Steam by adding anexusmods_src
attribute to the element<img src="MARKDOWN_IMAGE" nexusmods_src="NEXUSMODS_IMAGE" />
GitHub Markdown Supported HTML Codes
Steam Supported BBCode Codes
NexusMods BBCode | Steam BBCode | Markdown (GitHub) | HTML |
[b]TEXT[\b] | [b]TEXT[\b] | **TEXT** | <b>TEXT</b> |
[i]TEXT[/i] | [i]TEXT[/i] | *TEXT* | <i>TEXT</i> |
[u]TEXT[/u] | [u]TEXT[/u] | <ins>TEXT</ins> OR <u>TEXT</u> | |
[s]TEXT[/s] | [strike]TEXT[/strike] | ~~TEXT~~ | <s>TEXT</s> OR <strike>TEXT</strike> |
[url=URL]TEXT[/url] | [url=URL]TEXT[/url] | [TEXT](URL) | <a href="URL">TEXT</a> |
[img]URL[/img] | [img]URL[/img] |  | <img src="URL"></img> |
[quote]TEXT[/quote] | [quote]TEXT[/quote] | > TEXT | <blockquote>TEXT</blockquote> |
[quote AUTHOR]TEXT[/quote] | [quote=AUTHOR]TEXT[/quote] | > TEXT | |
[code]CODE[/code] | [code]CODE[/code] | ```CODE``` | <code>CODE</code> |
[list=1][*]ENTRY[/list] | [olist][*]ENTRY[/olist] | 1. ENTRY | <ol><li>ENTRY</li></ol> |
[list][*]ENTRY[/list] | [list][*]ENTRY[/list] | * ENTRY | <ul><li>ENTRY</li></ul> |
[line] | [hr][/hr] | <hr/> | |
[color=COLOR]TEXT[/color] | |||
[font=FONT]TEXT[/font] | |||
[center]TEXT[/center] | <p align="center">TEXT</p> OR <div align="center">TEXT</div> | ||
[right]TEXT[/right] | <p align="right">TEXT</p> OR <div align="right">TEXT</div> | ||
[left]TEXT[/left] | <p align="left">TEXT</p> OR <div align="left">TEXT</div> | ||
[size=1]TEXT[/size] | [h6]TEXT[/h6] | ###### TEXT | <h6>TEXT</h6> |
[size=2]TEXT[/size] | [h5]TEXT[/h5] | ##### TEXT | <h5>TEXT</h5> |
[size=3]TEXT[/size] | [h4]TEXT[/h4] | #### TEXT | <h4>TEXT</h4> |
[size=4]TEXT[/size] | [h3]TEXT[/h3] | ### TEXT | <h3>TEXT</h3> |
[size=5]TEXT[/size] | [h2]TEXT[/h2] | ## TEXT | <h2>TEXT</h2> |
[size=6]TEXT[/size] | [h1]TEXT[/h1] | # TEXT | <h1>TEXT</h1> |
[spoiler]SUMMARY\n\rTEXT[/spoiler] | INLINE SPOILERS NOT MAPPED TO HTML | <details><summary>SUMMARY</summary>TEXT</details> | |
[youtube]ID[/youtube] | | []( |