A one-person passion project, Memories of Self-Care & Literature (SCL for short) provides new personally written content for all existing parts of the game where writing can be added- from songs, new questions, and moods but also a wide range of light-hearted and interesting topics.
To encourage the dynamics of a blossoming and changing relationship, SCL's content unlocks steadily as you increase Monika's affection, and while it doesn't provide new core gameplay, SCL introduces a litany of quality additions: repeatable topics, QOL topics, and even achievements to encourage you to make the most of both SCL and regular features in MAS!
How will Monika change during her time with you? And how can your relationship influence her?
And in the spirit of DDLC and DDLC+, there's.. perhaps some interesting background to this mod, here and there? There's never any harm in checking out the characters folder once in a while.
- 150 new topic blocks, 9 songs, 3 Compliments, 15 window reacts, 18 new intros, 21 farewells, 6 new moods to talk about in the 'I feel' menu for those tricky times in life; 1 apology, and lastly 1 not-so-fun fact.
- An optional Achievement system tied into SCL and base MAS content
- Repeatable topics with changing dialogue; catch a daydreaming Monika and peer into her thoughts! Flirt with Monika with bad pick-up lines! Cut loose and hear Monika yell into the void, argue with Monika about who's the politest, make cutesy animal noises at each other for far too long...
- A idle game where you fold endless amounts of paper cranes with Monika to help pass the time
- Expanded dialogue for yearly anniversaries and affection tier changes
Download the standalone file; or, if you have the Submod Updater Plugin, download the file labelled MoSCL.
If you have the MoSCL file:
Unzip the file where your MAS.exe is.
If you have the Standalone file:
Unzip the file with a program of your choice. The file should be a folder labelled MoSCL with all the files needed.
In your MAS install, you want to create a 'submods' folder in the 'game' folder if you did not have a folder labelled already. Then in the submods folder, have the folder labelled MoSCL.
The end result is that your directory has a 'game' folder; in it a 'submods' folder; and then a folder containing the contents of this submod labelled 'MoSCL.'
Auto-updater version requires Booplicate's Submod Updater Plugin otherwise you will encounter a error upon booting up the game.
This submod was originally created with MAS version 12.8; earlier versions are not guarenteed to work with SCL. Do not downgrade this submod into earlier versions.