Fonts? I've got you, load and hot swap fonts for realtime preview, no more downloading and importing manually.
Window -> Fonts Window
Forget about importing png icons and finding them, NOW, Instantly load any open source icons to your game UI, or editor UI with Icons Finder. Read the original Twitter thread for more info
Window -> Icons Window
The core idea to use the same Tailwind CSS syntax to style Unity UIToolkit UI elements.
- Basic styling (w-full, text-white, bg-red-500, etc)
- Basic layout (flex, flex-col, flex-row, etc)
- Support Transform (partial done, missing translate and negative values)
- Support Transition
- Support Hover, Active, Inactive State
- Update color palette to latest Tailwind CSS
- Custom Built-in UI elements that enable styling
Via UPM.
UPM install via git url ->
You can also choose to add this as a submodule in your package folder.
git submodule add Packages/unity-tailwindcss
Current implementation is by generating uss compatible utility css class that follows the Tailwind CSS syntax. A better way would be implementing a JIT compiler that generates the uss file on the fly. However that would enable more work to be done. Currently this system if a POC that we can use to evaluate the feasibility of this project. Whether this is a better system and improve UITK usability.
More about BennyKok and his Unity related work.
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