This is the official codebase of the paper
FlowDock: Geometric Flow Matching for Generative Protein-Ligand Docking and Affinity Prediction
- Installation
- How to prepare data for FlowDock
- How to train FlowDock
- How to evaluate FlowDock
- How to create comparative plots of evaluation results
- How to predict new protein-ligand complex structures and their affinities using FlowDock
- For developers
- Docker
- Acknowledgements
- License
- Citing this work
Install Mamba
wget "$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh"
bash Miniforge3-$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh # accept all terms and install to the default location
rm Miniforge3-$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh # (optionally) remove installer after using it
source ~/.bashrc # alternatively, one can restart their shell session to achieve the same result
Install dependencies
# clone project
git clone
cd FlowDock
# create conda environment
mamba env create -f environments/flowdock_environment.yaml
conda activate FlowDock # NOTE: one still needs to use `conda` to (de)activate environments
pip3 install -e . # install local project as package
Download checkpoints
# pretrained NeuralPLexer weights
cd checkpoints/
cd ../
# pretrained FlowDock weights
tar -xzf flowdock_checkpoints.tar.gz
rm flowdock_checkpoints.tar.gz
Download preprocessed datasets
# cached input data for training/validation/testing
wget ""
tar -xzf flowdock_data_cache.tar.gz
rm flowdock_data_cache.tar.gz
# cached data for PDBBind, Binding MOAD, DockGen, and the PDB-based van der Mers (vdM) dataset
tar -xzf flowdock_pdbbind_data.tar.gz
rm flowdock_pdbbind_data.tar.gz
tar -xzf flowdock_moad_data.tar.gz
rm flowdock_moad_data.tar.gz
tar -xzf flowdock_dockgen_data.tar.gz
rm flowdock_dockgen_data.tar.gz
tar -xzf flowdock_pdbsidechain_data.tar.gz
rm flowdock_pdbsidechain_data.tar.gz
NOTE: The following steps (besides downloading PDBBind and Binding MOAD's PDB files) are only necessary if one wants to fully process each of the following datasets manually. Otherwise, preprocessed versions of each dataset can be found on Zenodo.
Download data
# fetch preprocessed PDBBind and Binding MOAD (as well as the optional DockGen and vdM datasets)
cd data/
wget ""
mv EXesf4oh6ztOusGqFcDyqP0Bvk-LdJ1DagEl8GNK-HxDtg?download=1 PDBBind.tar.gz
tar -xzf PDBBind.tar.gz
tar -xf BindingMOAD_2020_processed.tar
tar -xf DockGen.tar
tar -xzf pdb_2021aug02.tar.gz
rm PDBBind.tar.gz BindingMOAD_2020_processed.tar DockGen.tar pdb_2021aug02.tar.gz
mkdir pdbbind/ moad/ pdbsidechain/
mv PDBBind_processed/ pdbbind/
mv BindingMOAD_2020_processed/ moad/
mv pdb_2021aug02/ pdbsidechain/
cd ../
To generate the ESM2 embeddings for the protein inputs, first create all the corresponding FASTA files for each protein sequence
python flowdock/data/components/ --dataset pdbbind --data_dir data/pdbbind/PDBBind_processed/ --out_file data/pdbbind/pdbbind_sequences.fasta
python flowdock/data/components/ --dataset moad --data_dir data/moad/BindingMOAD_2020_processed/pdb_protein/ --out_file data/moad/moad_sequences.fasta
python flowdock/data/components/ --dataset dockgen --data_dir data/DockGen/processed_files/ --out_file data/DockGen/dockgen_sequences.fasta
python flowdock/data/components/ --dataset pdbsidechain --data_dir data/pdbsidechain/pdb_2021aug02/pdb/ --out_file data/pdbsidechain/pdbsidechain_sequences.fasta
Then, generate all ESM2 embeddings in batch using the ESM repository's helper script
python flowdock/data/components/ esm2_t33_650M_UR50D data/pdbbind/pdbbind_sequences.fasta data/pdbbind/embeddings_output --repr_layers 33 --include per_tok --truncation_seq_length 4096 --cuda_device_index 0
python flowdock/data/components/ esm2_t33_650M_UR50D data/moad/moad_sequences.fasta data/moad/embeddings_output --repr_layers 33 --include per_tok --truncation_seq_length 4096 --cuda_device_index 0
python flowdock/data/components/ esm2_t33_650M_UR50D data/DockGen/dockgen_sequences.fasta data/DockGen/embeddings_output --repr_layers 33 --include per_tok --truncation_seq_length 4096 --cuda_device_index 0
python flowdock/data/components/ esm2_t33_650M_UR50D data/pdbsidechain/pdbsidechain_sequences.fasta data/pdbsidechain/embeddings_output --repr_layers 33 --include per_tok --truncation_seq_length 4096 --cuda_device_index 0
To generate the apo version of each protein structure,
first create ESMFold-ready versions of the combined FASTA files
prepared above by the script
for the PDBBind, Binding MOAD, DockGen, and PDBSidechain datasets, respectively
python flowdock/data/components/ dataset=pdbbind
python flowdock/data/components/ dataset=moad
python flowdock/data/components/ dataset=dockgen
python flowdock/data/components/ dataset=pdbsidechain
Then, predict each apo protein structure using ESMFold's batch inference script
# Note: Having a CUDA-enabled device available when running this script is highly recommended
python flowdock/data/components/ -i data/pdbbind/pdbbind_esmfold_sequences.fasta -o data/pdbbind/pdbbind_esmfold_structures --cuda-device-index 0 --skip-existing
python flowdock/data/components/ -i data/moad/moad_esmfold_sequences.fasta -o data/moad/moad_esmfold_structures --cuda-device-index 0 --skip-existing
python flowdock/data/components/ -i data/DockGen/dockgen_esmfold_sequences.fasta -o data/DockGen/dockgen_esmfold_structures --cuda-device-index 0 --skip-existing
python flowdock/data/components/ -i data/pdbsidechain/pdbsidechain_esmfold_sequences.fasta -o data/pdbsidechain/pdbsidechain_esmfold_structures --cuda-device-index 0 --skip-existing
Align each apo protein structure to its corresponding holo protein structure counterpart in PDBBind, Binding MOAD, and PDBSidechain, taking ligand conformations into account during each alignment
python flowdock/data/components/ dataset=pdbbind num_workers=1
python flowdock/data/components/ dataset=moad num_workers=1
python flowdock/data/components/ dataset=dockgen num_workers=1
python flowdock/data/components/ dataset=pdbsidechain num_workers=1
Lastly, assess the apo-to-holo alignments in terms of statistics and structural metrics to enable runtime-dynamic dataset filtering using such information
python flowdock/data/components/ dataset=pdbbind usalign_exec_path=$MY_USALIGN_EXEC_PATH
python flowdock/data/components/ dataset=moad usalign_exec_path=$MY_USALIGN_EXEC_PATH
python flowdock/data/components/ dataset=dockgen usalign_exec_path=$MY_USALIGN_EXEC_PATH
python flowdock/data/components/ dataset=pdbsidechain usalign_exec_path=$MY_USALIGN_EXEC_PATH
Train model with default configuration
# train on CPU
python flowdock/ trainer=cpu
# train on GPU
python flowdock/ trainer=gpu
Train model with chosen experiment configuration from configs/experiment/
python flowdock/ experiment=experiment_name.yaml
For example, reproduce FlowDock
's default model training run
python flowdock/ experiment=flowdock_fm
Note: You can override any parameter from command line like this
python flowdock/ experiment=flowdock_fm trainer.max_epochs=20 data.batch_size=8
For example, override parameters to finetune FlowDock
's pretrained weights using a new dataset
python flowdock/ experiment=flowdock_fm data=my_new_datamodule ckpt_path=checkpoints/esmfold_prior_paper_weights.ckpt
To reproduce FlowDock
's evaluation results for structure prediction, please refer to its documentation in version 0.6.0-FlowDock
of the PoseBench GitHub repository.
To reproduce FlowDock
's evaluation results for binding affinity prediction using the PDBBind dataset
python flowdock/ data.test_datasets=[pdbbind] ckpt_path=checkpoints/esmfold_prior_paper_weights_EMA.ckpt trainer=gpu
... # re-run two more times to gather triplicate results
Download baseline method predictions and results
# cached predictions and evaluation metrics for reproducing structure prediction paper results
tar -xzf alphafold3_baseline_method_predictions.tar.gz
rm alphafold3_baseline_method_predictions.tar.gz
tar -xzf chai_baseline_method_predictions.tar.gz
rm chai_baseline_method_predictions.tar.gz
tar -xzf diffdock_baseline_method_predictions.tar.gz
rm diffdock_baseline_method_predictions.tar.gz
tar -xzf dynamicbind_baseline_method_predictions.tar.gz
rm dynamicbind_baseline_method_predictions.tar.gz
tar -xzf flowdock_baseline_method_predictions.tar.gz
rm flowdock_baseline_method_predictions.tar.gz
tar -xzf flowdock_aft_baseline_method_predictions.tar.gz
rm flowdock_aft_baseline_method_predictions.tar.gz
tar -xzf flowdock_esmfold_baseline_method_predictions.tar.gz
rm flowdock_esmfold_baseline_method_predictions.tar.gz
tar -xzf flowdock_hp_baseline_method_predictions.tar.gz
rm flowdock_hp_baseline_method_predictions.tar.gz
tar -xzf neuralplexer_baseline_method_predictions.tar.gz
rm neuralplexer_baseline_method_predictions.tar.gz
tar -xzf vina_p2rank_baseline_method_predictions.tar.gz
rm vina_p2rank_baseline_method_predictions.tar.gz
tar -xzf rfaa_baseline_method_predictions.tar.gz
rm rfaa_baseline_method_predictions.tar.gz
Reproduce paper result figures
jupyter notebook notebooks/posebusters_benchmark_structure_prediction_results_plotting.ipynb
jupyter notebook notebooks/dockgen_structure_prediction_results_plotting.ipynb
jupyter notebook notebooks/casp16_binding_affinity_prediction_results_plotting.ipynb
For example, generate new protein-ligand complexes for a pair of protein sequence and ligand SMILES strings such as those of the PDBBind 2020 test target 6i67
python flowdock/ ckpt_path=checkpoints/esmfold_prior_paper_weights_EMA.ckpt model.cfg.prior_type=esmfold sampling_task=batched_structure_sampling input_receptor='YNKIVHLLVAEPEKIYAMPDPTVPDSDIKALTTLCDLADRELVVIIGWAKHIPGFSTLSLADQMSLLQSAWMEILILGVVYRSLFEDELVYADDYIMDEDQSKLAGLLDLNNAILQLVKKYKSMKLEKEEFVTLKAIALANSDSMHIEDVEAVQKLQDVLHEALQDYEAGQHMEDPRRAGKMLMTLPLLRQTSTKAVQHFYNKLEGKVPMHKLFLEMLEAKV' input_ligand='"c1cc2c(cc1O)CCCC2"' input_template=data/pdbbind/pdbbind_holo_aligned_esmfold_structures/6i67_holo_aligned_esmfold_protein.pdb sample_id='6i67' out_path='./6i67_sampled_structures/' n_samples=5 chunk_size=5 num_steps=40 sampler=VDODE sampler_eta=1.0 start_time='1.0' use_template=true separate_pdb=true visualize_sample_trajectories=true auxiliary_estimation_only=false esmfold_chunk_size=null trainer=gpu
Or, for example, generate new protein-ligand complexes for pairs of protein sequences and (multi-)ligand SMILES strings (delimited via |
) such as those of the CASP15 target T1152
python flowdock/ ckpt_path=checkpoints/esmfold_prior_paper_weights_EMA.ckpt model.cfg.prior_type=esmfold sampling_task=batched_structure_sampling input_receptor='MYTVKPGDTMWKIAVKYQIGISEIIAANPQIKNPNLIYPGQKINIP|MYTVKPGDTMWKIAVKYQIGISEIIAANPQIKNPNLIYPGQKINIP|MYTVKPGDTMWKIAVKYQIGISEIIAANPQIKNPNLIYPGQKINIPN' input_ligand='"CC(=O)NC1C(O)OC(CO)C(OC2OC(CO)C(OC3OC(CO)C(O)C(O)C3NC(C)=O)C(O)C2NC(C)=O)C1O"' input_template=data/test_cases/predicted_structures/T1152.pdb sample_id='T1152' out_path='./T1152_sampled_structures/' n_samples=5 chunk_size=5 num_steps=40 sampler=VDODE sampler_eta=1.0 start_time='1.0' use_template=true separate_pdb=true visualize_sample_trajectories=true auxiliary_estimation_only=false esmfold_chunk_size=null trainer=gpu
If you do not already have a template protein structure available for your target of interest, set input_template=null
to instead have the sampling script predict the ESMFold structure of your provided input_protein
sequence before running the sampling pipeline. For more information regarding the input arguments available for sampling, please refer to the config at configs/sample.yaml
Set up pre-commit
(one time only) for automatic code linting and formatting upon each git commit
pre-commit install
Manually reformat all files in the project, as desired
pre-commit run -a
Update dependencies in a *_environment.yml
mamba env export > env.yaml # e.g., run this after installing new dependencies locally
diff environments/flowdock_environment.yaml env.yaml # note the differences and copy accepted changes back into e.g., `environments/flowdock_environment.yaml`
rm env.yaml # clean up temporary environment file
Given that this tool has a number of dependencies, it may be easier to run it in a Docker container.
Pull from Docker Hub: docker pull cford38/flowdock:latest
Alternatively, build the Docker image locally:
docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t flowdock .
Then, run the Docker container (and mount your local checkpoints/
docker run --gpus all -v ./checkpoints:/software/flowdock/checkpoints --rm --name flowdock -it flowdock /bin/bash
# docker run --gpus all -v ./checkpoints:/software/flowdock/checkpoints --rm --name flowdock -it cford38/flowdock:latest /bin/bash
builds upon the source code and data from the following projects:
We thank all their contributors and maintainers!
This project is covered under the MIT License.
If you use the code or data associated with this package or otherwise find this work useful, please cite:
title={FlowDock: Geometric Flow Matching for Generative Protein-Ligand Docking and Affinity Prediction},
author={Morehead, Alex and Cheng, Jianlin},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.10966},