Here we are implementing Automation, clustering of codes, redefining functions of Modeller™(Salilab's) for Windows.😊
The scope of project is to Develop and maintain GST, CYP4, CYP6 based automation tools, So that it will be helpful in further different projects related to our core thesis. Hence following are the checkpoints based on their timeline:-
- Establishment of Environment.
- Development of Automation scripts.
- Alteration of predefined codes as per our project.
- Providing User-friendliness.
- Development of GUI tool.
- Generate Ramchandran Plot and Dope score.
whole tool is based on Python🐍 and Modeller™ scripts. Which includes PIR, FASTA, ALI files. Which have Genomic data. Modeller™ provides processing libraries.
**Follwing are the requirments of this project:- **
- Python2.7
- wget for Python
pip install -r requirements.txt
To install this project you can drectly download this repo or you can use git clone, Here we go:-
[1] From Download Button: Click on the Clone or download
and the Download Zip
. By this downloads should be started.
[2] From commands: git clone
. By this downloads should be started.
Bioinformatics-IBB/Modeller is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 Permissions of this strong copyleft license are conditioned on making available complete source code of licensed works and modifications, which include larger works using a licensed work, under the same license. Copyright and license notices must be preserved. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights. License
Made with ❤ by Priyank Namdev, Shivam Namdev, Neha Kane