ros automatic charging package
Need BlueWhale automatic charging kit,you can buy it from Current only support diffDriver mobile base.
bw_auto_dock/EnableCharge (std_msgs/Bool) Turn automatic charging on or off.
bw_auto_dock/dockposition_save (std_msgs/Bool) Save dock position to local file.
odom (nav_msgs/Odometry) Used to get robot current position
barDetectFlag (std_msgs/Bool) Turn off infrared obstacle avoidance system
cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist) A stream of velocity commands meant for execution by mobile base
bw_auto_dock/Chargecurrent (std_msgs/Float32) Charging current
bw_auto_dock/Chargepower (std_msgs/Float32) Charging voltage
bw_auto_dock/Batterypower (std_msgs/Float32) battery voltage
bw_auto_dock/Chargestatus (std_msgs::Int32) Charging status
bw_auto_dock/Crashdetector (std_msgs::Int32) Collision detection status
bw_auto_dock/Dockpostion (std_msgs::Int32) Dock position
bw_auto_dock/IRsensor1 (std_msgs::Int32) left sensor1 infrared receiver data
bw_auto_dock/IRsensor2 (std_msgs::Int32) left sensor2 infrared receiver data
bw_auto_dock/IRsensor3 (std_msgs::Int32) right sensor2 infrared receiver data
bw_auto_dock/IRsensor4 (std_msgs::Int32) right sensor1 infrared receiver data
~back_distance (double, default: 0.4) The distance from the charging location to the base_link location,base_link is generally located in the middle of the two drive wheels.
~max_linearspeed (double, default: 0.2) Maximum linear speed during automatic charging alignment.
~max_rotspeed (double, default: 1.4) Maximum angular speed during automatic charging alignment.
~back_dock_kp (double, default: 0.2) PID kp parameter during automatic charging alignment.
~back_dock_ki (double, default: 0.04) PID ki parameter during automatic charging alignment.
~back_dock_kd (double, default: 0.0) PID kd parameter during automatic charging alignment.
~port (string, default: /dev/ttyUSB004) Automatic charging device serial port number.
~odom_frame_id (string, default: odom) The frame name of odom topic
~station_filename (string, default: /home/xiaoqiang/slamdb/dock_station.txt) File name of the charging station location,need full path
~grid_length (double, default: 4.0)
~crash_distance (double, default: 120) The minimum allowed distance between charger and station ,mm length unit.
cd ~/Documents/ros/src
git clone
cd ..
roslaunch bw_auto_dock xiaoqiang_local.launch自动充电功能包的使用和实现原理