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Boris Gerretzen edited this page Nov 27, 2023 · 2 revisions

This is a list of the properties the component supports and what they do:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
SelectedOptions List<TItem> new() The options selected by the user.
SelectedOptionsChanged EventCallback<List<TItem>> - Event callback that is invoked when the selected options change.
Options List new() Represents the available options in the multiselect dropdown.
StringSelector Func<TItem, string> item => item?.ToString() ?? string.Empty Function to convert an item to a string for display in the dropdown.
DefaultText string "Select Options" The default text to display when no options are selected.
SelectedOptionsRenderer RenderFragment<IEnumerable>? - Optional custom renderer for the selected options. If not set, items will be rendered using StringSelector and concatenated with a comma.
CanFilter bool false Whether or not the dropdown should be filterable.
FilterPredicate Func<TItem, string, bool>? - A function that determines whether a given item matches the filter string. Default implementation checks if the item's string representation contains the filter string, case-insensitive.
Virtualize bool false Whether or not the virtualize component should be used to render the options.
IsMultiSelect bool true Whether or not the multiselect should allow multiple selected values.
Class string? - Additional CSS classes to apply to the dropdown.
Style string? - Additional CSS style to apply to the dropdown.
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