A list of links of Academic references and research papers related to Blockchain Technology. From the foundation of Blockchain as a technology, to Bitcoin or Ethereum specific research, up to more in depth technical topics like scaling solutions, consensus algorithms, etc...
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Table of Content
- Blockchain Foundations & Cryptography Primitives
- Bitcoin
- Ethereum
- Smart Contracts
- Smart Contracts Security
- Scaling solutions
- Consensus Algorithms
- Zero-Knowledge Technology (ZK Proof)
- Alternative Blockchains & DLT Technologies
- Decentralised Storage & File System Technology
- Blockchain from a business perspective
- Blockchain Literature Review
- Others
- Merkle R. (1980), Protocols for Public Key Cryptosystems --> This is the foundational paper of Public-Key Cryptography, what everything in Blockchain Technology is based on!
- Lamport L. (1982), The Byzantine Generals Problem,
- Back A. (2002), HashCash - A Denial of Service Counter-Measure,
- Chaum D. (1990), Untraceable Electronic Cash,
- Nakamoto S. (2008), Bitcoin: a peer to peer electronic cash system,
- Bertelloni M.B. (2017), The CypherPunk Vision of Techno-Politics,St Anne's Academic Review, Volume 7
- Vandervort D. (2015), Issues in Designing a Bitcoin-Like Community Currency,
- Decker C. (2013), Information Propagation in the Bitcoin Network,
- Bariviera A.F (2017), Some stylized facts of the Bitcoin market,
- Yu A. (2015), Community Detection and Analysis in the Bitcoin Network,
- Carlsten M. (), On the Instability of Bitcoin Without the Block Reward,
- Bariviera A.F (2017), Some stylized facts of the Bitcoin market,
- McCorry P. (), Towards Bitcoin Payment Networks,
- Eyal I. (2014), Majority Is Not Enough: Bitcoin Mining Is Vulnerable,
- Spagnuolo M. (2014), BitIodine: Extracting intelligence from the Bitcoin Network,IFCA
- Poon J. (2016), The Bitcoin Lightning Network: Scalable Off-Chain Instant Payments,
- Rizun P. (2016), Subchains: a technique to scale bitcoin and improve the user experience,
- Ben-Sasso Eli. (2014), Zerocash: Decentralized Anonymous Payments from bitcoin,
- McCorry P. (2015), Authenticated Key Exchange over Bitcoin,Security Standardisation Research: Second International Conference
- Pérez-Solà C. (), Another coin bites the dust: An analysis of dust in UTXO based cryptocurrencies,
- Buterin V. (), A Next Generation Smart Contract & Decentralized Application Platform, White Paper (2014)
- Wood G. (), Ethereum: a Secure Decentralised Generalised Transaction Ledger,Yellow Paper
- Szabo N. (1998), Secure Property Titles with Owner Authority,
- Poon J. (2017), Plasma: Scalable Autonomous Smart Contracts,
- Nick Szabo (1996) - smart contracts: Building blocks for Digital Markets
- Nick Szabo (1994) Smart contracts
- https://nakamotoinstitute.org/the-idea-of-smart-contracts/
- https://nakamotoinstitute.org/formalizing-securing-relationships/
- https://nakamotoinstitute.org/contract-language/
- Back. A (2014), Enabling Blockchain Innovations with Pegged Sidechains,
- Sander T. (1999), Auditable, Anonymous Electronic Cash,
- Teutsch J. (2017), A scalable verifcation solution for blockchains,
- Vukolic M. (2016), The Quest for Scalable Blockchain Fabric: Proof-of-Work vs BFT Replication,IBM Research
- Proof of Stake instead of Proof of Work - Bitcoin Talk Forum (July 2011)
- Swanson T. (2015), Consensus-as-a-service: a brief report on the emergence of permissioned, distributed ledger systems,
- Nguyen G-T. (2018), A Survey about Consensus Algorithms used in Blockchain,Journal of Information Processing System
- Biryukov A. (2017), Equihash: Asymmetric Proof-of-Work based on the Generalized Birthday Problem,
- Milutinovic M. (2016), Proof of Luck: an Efficient Blockchain Consensus Protocol,
- Zheng Z. (2017), An Overview of Blockchain Technology: Architecture, Consensus and Future Trends,International Congress on Big Data
- Chaum D. (1998), Blind Signatures for Untraceable Payments,
- Gentry C. (2009), A Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme,
- Noether S. (2016), Ring Confidential Transactions,Monero Research Lab
- Wood G. (), Polkadot: vision for a heterogeneous Multi-Chain Framework,
- Hearn M. (2016), Corda: A distributed ledger,
- Cachin C. (2016), Architecture of the Hyperledger Blockchain Fabric,IBM Research Zurich
- (), Hyperledger WhitePaper,
- Schwartz D. (2014), The Ripple Protocol Consensus Algorithm,Ripple Labs Inc
- Kosba A. (2016), Hawk: the Blockchain Model of Cryptography and Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts,
- Popov S. (2018), The Tangle,
- (2017), Waltonchain Whitepaper,
- Benet J. (), IPFS - Content Addressed, Versoned, P2P File System (DRAFT 3),
- (2017), Filecoin: A Decentralized Storage Network,Protocol Labs
- Catalini C. (2017), Seeing Beyond the Blockchain Hype,MIT Sloan Magazine
- Hari A. (2016), The Internet Blockchain: A Distributed, Tamper-Resistant Transaction Framework for the Internet,Nokia Bell Labs
- Koteska B. (2017), Blockchain Implementation Quality Challenges: A Literature Review,University SS. Cyril and Methodius, Macedonia
- Ammous S. (2016), Blockchain Technology: What is it good for ?
- De Kruijff J. (2017), Understanding the Blockchain Using Enterpise Ontology
- Beck R. (2016), Blockchain - The Gateway to Trust Free Cryptographic Transactions,ECIS
- Lipton A. (2018), Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers in Retrospective and Perspective,Journal of Risk Finance - Emerald Insight
- Mattila J. (2016), The Blockchain Phenomenon - The Disruptive Potential of Distributed Consensus Architectures,
- Catalini C. (2017), Some Simple Economics of the Blockchain,University of Toronto
- Wright A. (), Decentralized Blockchain Technology and the rise of Lex Cryptographia,
- Xu X. (2017), A Taxonomy of Blockchain-Based Systems for Architecture Design,
- Beck R. (2017), Blockchain as Radical Innovation: A Framework for Engaging with Distributed Ledgers,International Conference on System Science
- Kazan E. (2015), Value Creation in Cryptocurrency Networks: toward a taxonomy of Digital Business Models for Bitcoin Companies,
- Zhao J. (2016), Overview of Business Innovations and Research Opportunities in Blockchain and Introduction to the special issue,
- Nowinski W. (2017), How can Blockchain Technology disrupt the Existing Business Models,Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review
- Zamani E. (2018), With a little help from the miners: distributed ledger technology and market disintermediation,
- Brenig C. (2016), Value of Decentralized Consensus Systems: Evaluation Framework,ECIS
- Tschorsch F. (2016), Bitcoin and Beyond: a Technical Survey on Decentralized Digital Currencies,
- Wörner D. (2016), The Bitcoin Ecosystem: Disruption beyong Financial Services,ECIS
- Iansiti (2017), The Truth about Blockchain,
- Zheng Z. (2017), Blockchain Challenges and Opportunities: A Survey,
- Risius M. (2017), A Blockchain Research Framework: what we (don't) know, where we go from here, and how we will get there,University of Manheim
- Johansen S.K (2016), A Comprehensive Literature Review on Blockchain Technology as a Technological Enabler for Innovation,
- Seebacher S. (2017), Blockchain Technology as an Enabler of Service Systems: A Structured Literature Review,International Conference on Exploring Service Science
- Yli-Huumo J. (2016), Where is the current Research on Blockchain Technology ? - A Systematic Review,