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Vyome Agarwal edited this page Nov 30, 2020 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the BookIt wiki!

BookIt is an Android mobile application that allows owners to record the books they have and loan them to borrowers.

The Team

  1. Vyome Agarwal
  2. Sutanshu Seth
  3. Nhat Minh Luu
  4. Phi Long Lai
  5. Nicholas Rebstock
  6. Alisha Crasta

How does BookIt get information about a book when a user adds a new book (by scanning)?

BookIt uses the Google Books API (search by ISBN) to get the relevant information of the book and display it to the user. If the book (with the ISBN) is not available on the Google Books API, then BookIt searches for the book within its own database to find a match.

Query used for searching (ISBN will change according to the book):

Continuous Integration

We used Github Actions for CI, which tests the build, unit tests, Intent tests (UI tests) among other things.

Something doesn't work in Android Studio?

  1. Sync/Re-sync the Gradle files
  2. Clean Project
  3. Re-build Project

Saving memory

BookIt uses RecyclerView to lower memory usage of the app because a list of books with images can consume a lot of memory.

Storing Images

BookIt uses Firebase Storage to store images so that it doesn't take up storage in the phone