Hey there, COS214 explorers! Welcome to COS214-Project-214, the home for all your epic team projects and creative coding adventures.
Each team has their own repository to collaborate, commit, and code their way to greatness (or at least, a pass!). 💪
This GitHub organization is dedicated to our COS214 course projects. Each team has their own repository where you can:
- Work on your team's COS214 project 🤖
- Track tasks, issues, and ideas in a collaborative environment
- Push all your commits and code (don't forget to test, though! 😬)
Every team has their own dedicated repo with a unique name, so things stay neat and organized. You'll find your team's repo listed under this organization—make sure you grab the right one! Inside, you’ll have everything you need to start coding like pros (or at least look like you are):
- Source Code: This is where the magic happens! 🪄✨
- Issues & Discussions: Use GitHub's features to keep track of to-dos and chat about how you'll conquer the COS214 project together.
- Pull Requests: Work together on features and changes by reviewing and merging code as a team.
- Find Your Team’s Repo: It’ll be listed under the COS214-Project-214 org. Go ahead and clone it to get started.
- Plan Your Project: Use issues and the project board to assign tasks and track progress.
- Code Away: Write that code and make those commits! Remember to push often and review each other’s work.
- Collaborate: Use pull requests to ensure everyone’s work gets reviewed before it’s merged.
- Drop in some fun comments or Easter eggs in your code (why not leave future devs a surprise?)
- Post GIFs in the issue tracker. Because life is better with GIFs 🎬.
- Be respectful: This is a shared space, and we’re all here to learn together.
- Commit frequently: Don’t wait until the last minute to push your changes. (Trust us, GitHub is your friend, not your enemy!)
- Help each other: If you see someone struggling with something you understand, give them a hand.
Now go forth, COS214 adventurers, and may your code be bug-free and your projects thrive!
Happy Coding!