Developed by Polaris for Agile Bridge
- Introduction
- The Team
- Mentors
- Technology Stack
- Github Structure
- Deployment
- Documentation
- Installation
- Testing
- Project Management Tools
- Demo Videos
Currently, operations such as cataloging items and searching for items are done manually, which can be seen as a detrimental and inefficient approach especially in fast paced business markets or markets where cataloging requires expert input and results in bottlenecks when loading stock into their inventory management systems.
Bean Bag is an inventory management system that utilizes image recognition technology to optimize and bring forth a new approach to automate and accelerate item cataloging.
This application would assist in multiple areas such as:
- the cataloging of secondhand clothing and apparel,
A key feature of Bean Bag is that the recognizer can be trained on new item types thereby providing flexibility and enabling the application to be tailored to the user depending on the type of items the user catalogs into their inventory.
We are team Polaris, a diverse group of students studying at the University of Pretoria.
Below is a short overview of the Polaris team developing the Bean Bag project.
Team Leader, Backend Development
- 3rd year BsC Computer Science student
- Skills - Problem solving, pragmatic and patient.
- Interests - Music, video games, Survivor and movies.
Frontend and Backend Development
- 3rd year BsC Computer Science student
- Skills -Researching, programming, designing, creative thinking and problem solving.
- Interests - Philosophy, film, travelling and learning languages.
Backend Development
- 3rd year BIT student
- Skills -Brainstorming, Creative thinking, Mobile App Dev, Programming (HTML, C++, JAVA, SQL, PHP, Node, React, Delphi, Python), Mathematical thinker.
- Interests - Hiking, philosophy, space exploration, competitive gaming, taekwando.
Backend Development
- 3rd year BsC Computer Science student
- Skills - Programming (C++, Java, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript).
A fast learner, adaptable and creative.- Interests - Music, history, documentaries and outdoor activities.
Frontend Development
- 3rd year BsC Computer Science student
- Skills - Communication, emotional intelligence and programming.
- Interests - Music and cooking.
Mentors that guided the Polaris team during the development of the Bean Bag project.
- Lecturer Mentor: Andrew Broekman
📧 - Industry Mentor: Vorster Swanepoel
📧 - Student Mentor: Anrich Hildebrand
The technologies used to build the Bean Bag system.
The Bean Bag project will make use of a mono-repo. All code and assets related to this project will be available in one repo which is the Bean-Bag repository. This ensures all code is compact and easily avaliable from a single source.
master ( build )
− deploy
- develop ( build )
− develop-backend ( build )
− develop-backend-module ( build )
− feature-backend-module-feature_name
− develop-frontend ( build )
− develop-module ( build )
− feature-frontend-module-feature_name
- master - this branch contains production code. All development code is merged into master in sometime
- deploy - this branch is necessary to act immediately upon an undesired status of master, and to check all code is working perfectly before deploying.
- develop- this branch contains pre-production code.
- develop-backend - this branch contains pre-production backend code.
- develop-module- this branch contains the backend code for specific subsystems/modules in the system. When the features from the backend are complete, they are merged into module-develop.
- feature-backend-module-feature_name - this branch is used to develop new backend features for a specific module.
- feature-frontend-module-feature_name - this branch is used to develop new frontend features for a specific module.
- develop-frontend -this branch contains pre-production front-end code.
Download the Visual Studio IDE. To download the Visual Studio IDE, click here.
1. Install the required software in your Visual Studio IDE in the "Workloads" window:
- ASP.NET and web development
- Azure development
- Python development
- Data storage and processing
2. Clone the Bean-Bag repository into your local directory.
3. Launch the Bean-Bag.sln file.
Testing the Bean Bag system:
1. Open Visual Studio IDE
2. Click on "Test" in the panel
3. Open "Test Explorer"
4. Click on the green play button or type in Ctrl+R,T
All neccessary documentation related to the Bean Bag project.
- Demo 1 | Software Requirements Specification Document
- Demo 2 | Architectural Document
- Demo 2 | User Manual
- Demo 2 | Coding Standards
- Demo 3 | SRS - Architectural Document
- Demo 3 | Technical Installation Guide
- Demo 3 | Coding Standards
- Demo 3 | User Manual
- Demo 4 | SRS - Architectural Document
- Demo 4 | User Manual
- Demo 4 | Testing Quality + NFR Testing Document
- Demo 4 | Coding Standards
- Demo 4 | Technical Installation Guide
- Final | SRS - Architectural Document
- Final | User Manual
- Final | Testing Quality + NFR Testing Document
- Final | Coding Standards
- Final | Techincal Installation Guide
The project management applications and communication techniques used for the Bean Bag project. We contacted the clients using a team email and had conferences and discussions on Discord as well as MS Teams. Github as well as Jira were used for issuing tickets and backlog grooming.
Video demonstrations about the progression of the Bean Bag project.
- Demo Video 1 - 📅 4 June 2021
- Demo Video 2 - 📅 21 June 2021
- Demo Video 3 - 📅 19 August 2021
- Demo Video 4 - 📅 21 September 2021
We used Azure to deploy our application.
The deployed website can be found at: