You’ve mastered all the elements of individual work, where students are working solo on their own repositories. Now we’re going to go over how students can collaborate on technical projects and we’ll start with the GitHub flow.
- Watch 3.1: The GitHub flow
- Exercise: Pull requests
- On the command line, create repository for Module 3 and a readme file.
- On, create a module 3 repo and add it as a remote.
- In your terminal, create a new branch with a document, and write down any remaining questions you have about pull requests.
- Add a remote tracking branch and push to it.
- On, open a pull request with the branch that has your questions--you should add Eric Rosado (@ericdrosado) as a collaborator on your repository, and then request his review for these pull requests.
- Post a screenshot of your pull request to the forums.
Here are some resources for your students to explore merge conflicts in class:
- Watch 3.3 Assigning group work
- Exercise: Pull requests and merge conflicts
- Accept the group assignment, join a team, and gain access to a shared repository.
- From the shared repository on, clone the repository down to your local machine.
- Edit the “Group Assignment” markdown file in your text editor.
- Save it out, stage the changes and push to the Module 3 repository.
- Resolve any merge conflicts that arise.
- Watch: Assessing collaboration
- Exercise: Assess a live project
- Find an active open source project.
- Point to 2 pieces of evidence that the project is active. These pieces of evidence can be:
- How quickly pull requests are reviewed
- Data in Insights
- Number of forks or stars
- Some other metric :)
- Reflect on how you might use these insights to assess collaboration in group work.