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Extensive mutational pleiotropy may constrain evolution; however, if utilised in experimental design, can provide a method of improving detection of mutational effect. Here, we estimate M, the mutation covariance matrix, for six functionally related Drosophila serrata wing shape traits, where we expect pleiotropy to be pervasive.

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Variation in mutational variance-covariance matrices for Drosophila serrata wing shape across sequential generations

Cara Conradsen and Katrina McGuigan

This repository contains all the code and data used in the manuscript.

We are still in the process of finalising and refining the manuscript.



There are four parts to randomise_wing_data.R. In the first part, Part 1. Prepare the data set to be shuffled, we create a unique ID for a line. This section also separates the experimental component of Generation + Treatment + Line (population_info) and the individual fly trait information (with a newly assigned unique line ID, line_trait_info) into two data frames.

In the second section (Part 2. Generate a data frame of sets of randomised unique line IDs), here are the steps where we randomly sample the list of unique line IDs, and then generate a data frame of the sampled line sets (all_sets, N = 1000), each column is a single set of sampled lines and each row, within a column, is a randomly sampled line. This is where you can set the number of data sets needed and whether you want to sample with or without replacement.

In the third part (Part 3. Write a function to merge randomised line data to trait info and save to .csv), we create the function create_randomise_wing_data that uses the data frames generated in parts 1 and 2. It takes a single column from all_sets (one randomised sample of lines), and does several things:

  1. adds the randomised unique line IDs by pasting the all_sets column onto the data frame of the experimental component, population_info
  • The unique lines are now randomised across the 12 experimental populations of treatment X generation and 42 experimental lines.
  1. then populates with the flies and their wing information by appending the assigned unique line ID in line_trait_info to the randomised unique line ID
  • This keeps replicate vials and individual flies intact within line, and at this step, this is our complete randomised dataset
  1. we retain the column with the experimental design lines, numbered from 1 to 42, for SAS and remove the column with the unique line IDs, numbered from 1 to 493 (see Note below)
  2. calculates the Mahalanobis Distance and determines multivariate outliers for this new data set to use in SAS
  3. adds a column of the treatments as numbers for SAS, using the original notation: small is 1 and big is 3 (SB crosses were 2)
  4. converts the new data set into long format for SAS
  5. re-orders the data columns
  6. sorts the data by Gen, Treatment, Line, Vial, Individual
  7. saves the dataset as a .csv in the 'generated_datasets' subfolder

Finally, in the last section (Part 4. Implement function on sets of randomised lines) we implement the function created above on the data frame all_sets. In this section, to speed up the time to generate all 1000 data sets, the function is run in parallel using the foreach function (%dopar%).


Our dataset had fewer 'unique' lines than the full experimental design (i.e., 6 gens X 2 treat X 42 lines = 504, Observed data = 493). Our code is written to keep the same number of 'unique' lines (N = 493), where shuffled genetic data is extended onto this. If sample with replacement equals:

  • False; same number of individuals (N = 5135)
  • True; the number of total individuals will vary


Extensive mutational pleiotropy may constrain evolution; however, if utilised in experimental design, can provide a method of improving detection of mutational effect. Here, we estimate M, the mutation covariance matrix, for six functionally related Drosophila serrata wing shape traits, where we expect pleiotropy to be pervasive.






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