This repository contains a project that estimates food calories using deep learning and computer vision techniques. It implements object detection models using both YOLOv4 and YOLOv5, offering practical insights into building and training these models.
- Custom Datasets: You can use your own dataset by uploading it to Google Drive and mounting the drive in your notebook.
- Roboflow Integration: Create an account on Roboflow and upload your dataset under Workspace -> Project -> Your_Dataset. Adjust the necessary variables (workspace, project, private key) in the notebooks.
- Notebooks for Training:
- YOLOv4: Use
- YOLOv5: Use
- YOLOv4: Use
- Dataset Access: View & download dataset from: My Roboflow Dataset
- Main implementation notebook:
Food calorie estimations Using Deep Learning And Computer Vision.ipynb
- Project Report: Project Report of Food calorie estimations Using Deep Learning And Computer Vision.pdf
- Presentation: Food Calorie Estimation BE Project PPT
- Research Papers:
This folder contains additional resources including configuration files and extra notebooks:
- Custom YOLOv4 (Darknet):
- Path To Code file
- Weights and config files for training a custom YOLOv4 model.
- Download YOLOv4 Weights
- Custom YOLOv5:
- Path to code files
- YOLOv5s V1 model suitable for Android applications.
- Download YOLOv5 Weights
- YOLOv5 Folder
- Additional Links:
See the
file for more details.
If you are using this project for academic purposes—such as incorporating it into a final year project—it is mandatory that you provide clear and proper attribution. You must:
- Acknowledge that the project is originally developed by Chetan Jarande, Mukta Bhagwat, Vishakha Patil, and Diya Ukirde.
- Include a statement that the work is based on the open-source project available on GitHub and that you are using it with modifications (if any).
- Not claim the project as entirely your own original work. Failure to adhere to these conditions violates both the project’s license and academic integrity standards.
Made With 💖 by
- Chetan Jarande
- Mukta Bhagwat
- Vishakha Patil
- Diya Ukirde
This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
For suggestions or inquiries, please reach out: