To access bitbucket repos with your public ssh key on it, copy your privat ssh key into:
SSH supports both IPv4 and IPv6 and prefers IPv6 if the DNS retrieves AAAA record, but the ISP may not support IPv6, which results in huge delays. Solve it with forcing the IPv4 connection:
sudo nano /etc/ssh/ssh_config
Add AddressFamily inet
somewhere in the file.
Restarting the ssh service may or may not be necessary:
sudo service ssh restart
from local machine copy keys to host1 with: ssh-copy-id 123.456.1.2 then go to host1 with: ssh user123@123.456.1.2 it should be possible without password on host1 copy keys to host2 with: ssh-copy-id then go to host2 with: ssh root@ again it shoud be possible without password
now on local machine type in ~/.ssh/config:
Host remoteserver HostName User root IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 Port 22
- sample for ProxyJump ProxyJump user123@123.456.1.2
then on local machine do ssh remoteserver, or scp
include path of c header files:
export CPATH="your/include:more/include:/usr/include"
- create new repo on bitbucket, set ssh access keys if necessary
- on host pc clone repo
- add Dockerfile, bamboo.yaml, and certificates to repo, commit and push
- Bamboo administration -> Linked repositories -> add repo -> bitbucket server -> Select your repo
- disable checkbox "Enable repository caching on agents", set name, save repo
- go to bamboo project -> project settings -> bamboo specs repos add
- go to in bamboo, enable scan for bamboo specs
- Specs status -> scan
sudo pacman -S ollama
Start Ollama:
ollama serve
Run a model with example:
ollama run llama3:instruct 'write me a nice little poem'
Samba lets you share files between different machines in the same network.
User names, IP addresses and folder names in this file are only examples.
Install Samba. In order for SSO to work, specify the password of your client user:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install samba
sudo smbpasswd -a <username>
Create a folder to be shared. Configure Samba:
mkdir /home/<username>/Shared
sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
At the end of the file add:
path = /home/<username>/Shared/
valid users = <username>
read only = no
Restart and test Samba:
sudo service smbd restart
In order to connect from other Windows machines you will need to create Credentials on those machines. This should not be necessary on the Firm Client if the SSO user name and password has been used for Samba.
User Name: <username>
Password: <your password>
In the address bar of Windows File Explorer type \\
. You should now see the shared folder.
svn checkout --depth empty https://neptun.ngr.de.ebs.corp/svn/trxs/RAP-SW/FPGA/FRP_C_S10/trunk/
svn update --set-depth infinity trunk/Sources
Go to https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/dists/ and select version, e.g. jammy.
Go to pool/stable
and select architecture amd64.
Download latest deb files for
Install the .deb
packages. Update paths accordingly:
sudo dpkg -i ./containerd.io_<version>_<arch>.deb \
./docker-ce_<version>_<arch>.deb \
./docker-ce-cli_<version>_<arch>.deb \
./docker-buildx-plugin_<version>_<arch>.deb \
Start docker.
sudo service docker start
Edit the docker daemon config file:
sudo nano /etc/docker/daemon.json
It must contain the following:
"proxies": {
"http-proxy": "",
"https-proxy": "",
"no-proxy": ".example.org,"
Verify that the Docker Engine installation is successful by running the hello-world
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker
sudo docker run hello-world
cat /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf [Service] Environment="HTTP_PROXY=" "HTTPS_PROXY=" "NO_PROXY=dtrngpublic.cc.ebs.corp,localhost,"
Create Dockerfile
mkdir ~/dockertest
cd ~/dockertest
nano Dockerfile
It should contain the following:
FROM ubuntu:latest
CMD echo "foo"
Now build the the image:
sudo -E docker build -t my-minimal-image .
... and run it:
sudo -E docker run -it --name my-container my-minimal-image /bin/bash
Stop and delete it:
sudo docker stop my-container
sudo docker rm my-container
When a container is running you can access its terminal with:
sudo docker exec -it my-container /bin/bash
To use without sudo:
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
relog or reboot
to use from images from server, certificates may be required:
COPY certs/* /usr/local/share/ca-certificates
RUN update-ca-certificates
pacman -S docker
sudo systemctl enable docker.service
sudo usermod -aG docker your_username
Install Win11 with "World" region setting to avoid garbage apps
Run Chris Titus Tweaks, see youtube video
download and install nvcleanstall, run it for a clean gpu driver installation
install browser, steam, hwinfo, cpuz, neovim via choco in powershell, thunderbird, discord
profiles: trackir, streamdeck, tarkov, dcs
- Type in edge://flags
- Search for dark
- Enable it
In Windows run Powershell as admin and type: wsl --install -d ubuntu
. Choose username and password. Reboot Windows.
In Ubuntu enable apt via proxy:
sudo nano /etc/apt/apt.conf
and add four lines:
Acquire::http::proxy "";
Acquire::https::proxy "";
Acquire::ftp::proxy "";
Binary::apt::Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories "true";
For Quartus NIOS EDS to run properly, in Ubuntu type:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install wsl
sudo apt install dos2unix
sudo apt install make
sudo apt install build-essential
install windows hyper-v
in windows search type in "hyper-v"
enable checkbox in windows features
run hyper-v
in hyper-v import virtual computer
dir structure must be e.g. Quartus13/Snapshots, Quartus13/Virtual Hard Disks and Quartus13/Virtual Machines. Import from the Quartus13 directory
start imported virtual computer
if applicable in the popup option box set resolution and under advanced options enable access to e.g. hard drives from the host pc
Bei network adapter problemen (error code 56) in geraete manager -> intel network adapter deinstallieren. Danach nach neuer hardware suchen. Network adapter code 56 sollte jetzt weg sein.
sudo apt install qemu-utils
qemu-img convert -f vhdx -O qcow2 /path/to/hyperv.vhdx /path/to/kvm_disk.qcow2
open the .qcow2 storage from qemu kvm
in the windows machine it may be necessary to remove the network adapters from the device manager and reboot. Use e1000e from qemu kvm.
Von: Rodbertus, Daniel
After downloading the .iso file do:
sudo mkdir /mnt/matlab
sudo mount -o loop /path/to/matlab.iso /mnt/matlab
cd /mnt/matlab
sudo -E ./install
Follow the installation wizard. Provide the File Installation Key. Set the license path. The Mathworks_License.dat
must contain:
SERVER license01.cc.ebs.corp 3C4A92EF52A8 27122
Clean up with:
sudo unmount /mnt/matlab
rm -r /mnt/matlab
Start Matlab with
If there are problems with the license file, you can try
matlab -c 27122@license01.cc.ebs.corp
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=27130@license01.cc.ebs.corp:27122@license01.cc.ebs.corp
MATLAB, Simulink and DSP Builder Advanced Install MATLAB with MPM:
wget https://www.mathworks.com/mpm/glnxa64/mpm
chmod +x mpm
sudo -E ./mpm install --release=R2022b --destination=/home/user/matlab/ --products MATLAB Simulink Fixed-Point_Designer
The matlab/bin directory needs to be on path. Fix Simulink font library issue:
cd ~/matlab/bin/glnxa64/
sudo mkdir exclude
sudo mv libfreetype.so.6 exclude/libfreetype.so.6
Install the Quartus toolchain with DSPBA. Start DSPBA with a script, e.g.:
cd ~/tool/prototyping
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=foobar
download e.g. armv7-eabihf--glibc--stable-2024.02-1
from bootlin toolchains
Linaro alternative which also has gnueabihf somewhere.
configure the .cargo/config.toml like so:
target = "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf"
linker = "/home/chris/repo/cyclone5_soc_fpga_config_tool/armv7-eabihf--glibc--stable-2024.02-1/bin/arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabihf-gcc"
sudo apt install libxft2 libxft2:i386 lib32ncurses6
sudo apt install libxext6
sudo apt install libxext6:i386
sudo apt install lib32stdc++6
in the kde connections setting, set both connections to restrict to device and give both of them unique names
ipv4 and ipv6 of developer lan should be set to automatic.
ipv4 of local lan should be set to manual, then add desired ip and netmask. Enable checkbox ipv4 is required for this connection.