- Sponsered by Microsoft Learn : https://learn.microsoft.com/#/
- Sponsered by LAVTTA : https://www.jvs-socal.org/program/los-angeles-veterans-technology-training-academy/
- Sponsered by WDACS : https://wdacs.lacounty.gov/
- Sponsered by Eric Garcetti : https://www.lamayor.org/
- Developed by FastLane Training : https://www.fastlane.live/us_en/
- Supported by Go Deploy : https://lms.godeploy.it/
Microsoft Technical Essentials Wokshop Veterans Talent Program
This repository is part of a project focused on delivering case study workshops designed to embolden diverse veteran communities through job training, mentoring, and education to transform lives and empower veterans. This course introduces the essentials required for learners to provide value in today’s job markets where modern technology is at the forefront of digital transformation.
Contact FastLane training on how to enroll.
- An internet browser, Edge, and Chrome are recommended.
- Student Guide.
- Access to Go Deploy Labs.
- Updated version of Windows, MAC, or Linux computer operating systems.
All projects included in this repo require Go Deploy Labs running on Winows Server 2022.
- Visual Studio 2019 or later versions.
- Visual Studio community editions supported.
- Sql Server Express edition with LocalDb configuration.
Instructions are included after attendees register for the program.
Version 2.0 Repository owner will maintain src code and ensure portability.
Build Artifacts Azure DevOps Release Pipeline WebDeploy ClickOnce
Entity Framework exposes Drone Inventory data on a ASP.NET Web Application
Desktop application reads and writes using sql data client connection object.
Console application delivers interactive user experience with Sql Server.
Configuration information details are available to registered attendees
No unique parameters or args.
"If you'd like to contribute, please fork(copy) the repository and use a feature (non master) branch. Pull (colloborative review) requests are warmly welcome."
If there's anything else the developer needs to know (e.g. the code style
guide), you should link it here. If there's a lot of things to take into
consideration, it is common to separate this section to its own file called
(or similar). If so, you should say that it exists here.
- Project homepage: https://www.fastlane.live/us_en/
- Repository: https://github.com/FastLaneUS/MicrosoftTechnicalEssentialsWorkshop
- Issue tracker: https://github.com/FastLaneUS/MicrosoftTechnicalEssentialsWorkshop/issues
- In case of sensitive bugs like security vulnerabilities, please contact david.santana@fastlaneus.com directly instead of using issue tracker. We value your effort to improve the security and privacy of this project!
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