Easy to use script to toggle Raspberry Pi pins on and off.
Made by the developers at CodePy http://codepy.ga/
!!!This script is for Python 3!!!
#Run command:
sudo python3 /path/to/EasyPin.py [pin] [state]
Replace [pin] with the pin number of choice according to BCM numbering.
Replace [state] with either "on" or "off" to turn the selected pin on or off.
You can also run: sudo python3 /path/to/EasyPin.py clean
The clean command will free and reset the GPIO pins. You should always run this command after you're finished using EasyPin.
You do not need 'sudo' if you are already the root user
This script is meant to be used by CodePy developers and beta-testers. We don't reccomend the general public using it because it is poorly tested, horribly documented, and our support team will not help you. Feel free to use it at your own risk!