File Data Link :
The Dataset contains many columns like Accident_index,Vehicle_type,Number_of_casualities,etc. It had a total of 21 columns and 3.9 lakh rows. This data set contains the accident information that took place in the year 2021 and 2022. The requirements or the insights/points that had to be conveyed through the dashboards are:
- Primary KPIs: Total casualities taken place after accident, Total casualities and percentage of total with respect to the severity and maximum casualities by type of vehicle
- Secondary KPIs: Max. Casualities by road type, casualities by location/area,etc.
This were the requirements
The steps involved in doing were
- Data Cleaning: checking for the null and missing values
- Data preparation: Creating columns like year and month for the future steps
- Data selection: According to the given requirment selecting the data
- Data analysis: Preparing the Pivot tables
- Report/DashBoard: Preparation of the dashboard by using the charts that are related using Pivot table and Creating slicers and making connection between them