Multipurpose Expansion Port (MEP) ESP32 Software for OSGP Smart Meters
This software will not be updated any further as I no longer have access to a NES Smart Meter. Read more here:
This is the repository holding the Software for OSGP Smart Meters (i.e. Echelon or NES). Please:
- see for further hardware specifiactions of these meters.
- see for further information about this software project
- The software has been developed and compiled using Arduino IDE (we have tested v. 2.1.0, but will probably also work on other/later versions
- We have added this URL as "Additional Board Manager URLs" (the File/Properties menu):
- Two different hardware versions are supported by this software (the source auto configures based on the choosen board):
- the original MEP module (Rev1.10, Rev2.00 and later), using the "ESP32 Dev Module" board (ESP32-WROOM-32 based boards) Note: For the " version", we recommend these settings when flashing the firmware from the Arduino IDE: "Board"=ESP32 Dev Module, "Erase All Flasb Before Sketch Upload"=Enabled and "Flash Mode"=QIO
- the MEP module (Rev1.0 and later), using the "ESPC3 Dev Module" board (ESP32-C3-MINI-1 based boards) Note: The "uStepper version" of the software has a dependency on EspSoftware Serial by Dirk Kaar, Peter Lerup (we have been testing with version 8.0.1 and 8.0.3 of the library, but will expect it to work with any future versions as well). Also note for the "uStepper version", we recommend these settings when flashing the firmware from the Arduino IDE: "Board"=ESP32C3 Dev Module, "Erase All Flasb Before Sketch Upload"=Enabled and "Flash Mode"=DIO If you want to debug using the USB-C port, we recommend "USB CDC On Boot"=Enabled. If you debug using the pin header, set it to Disabled.
- Other similar hardware and earlier versions of the mentioned modules can be supported by modifying the source code.
- During development we are using the "ESP32 Dev Module" and "ESP32C3 Dev Module" boards depending on the hardware
- The software has a dependency on PubSubClient by Nick O'Leary for MQTT (we have been testing with version 2.8.0 of the library, but will expect it to work with any future versions as well)
- MQTT implementation does NOT support Home Assistent Autodiscovery as of now.
- You need to obtain the MEP key (MBK key) yourself via your power company (where you buy yor power). It is a 20 ASCII character key (it might look like it is HEX, but it is NOT - so please do not try to convert it!). We actually only need the first 16 ASCII characters, but if you enter the full key the software will handle it correctly.
- The Dashboard page should always work without login/password, but for the rest of the pages you need to supply the login/password you chose on the configuration page (the module also accept your wifi name and password as a fail safe).
Initial startup procedure - when our software is NOT installed: As we are using the SPIFFS filesystem for web files and your ESP32 most likely does not have our software installed, you need to follow this procedure for the initial startup of the module:
- Warning: Make sure to adjust the DC-DC buck converter to 3.4-3.5v before sending any power to the ESP32 module. See the hardware notes.
- Warning: Make sure your FTDI232 is only providng 3.3v when jumped to 3.3v. Some of them sends 5v power and that will fry your ESP32.
- Install a jumper between pin 1 and 2, and remove the jumper between pin 3 and 4 on J7. This will make sure the ESP32 is in programming mode and gets power from the FTDI232 module
- Insert a FTDI232 module in the J5 holes. If you angle it, the pin headers of the FTDI232 will make a fair connection to the PCB holes. Make sure to orient the FTDI232 module correctly: on MEP module version 1.10 and above, the square pad is GND.
- You should now be able to compile and uploade the software to the ESP32 from the Arduino IDE using the reglar upload function
- Remove the jumper between pin 1 and 2, and set the jumper between pin 3 and 4 on J7 for normal operation
- Now insert the module in your meter (or power it on with a powersupply or similar)
- When no WiFi is configured or the module cannot connect to the configured WiFi (it will try for around one minute), it will go into AP Mode with the name "esp32-mep" (subject to change in the future). Connect a device with a browser to this AP. If you are asked for a password use 123456 or 12345678
- Open the page "". This recovery page supports formatting the SPIFFS file system, uploading of firmware (.bin) files and web (.wwws) files, and is independent of the web files on the SPIFFS (so it should always work). As just just programmed the initial firmware, you only have to format the SPIFFS file system and upload the web (*.wwws) file now. You will find the latest update.wwws file in the "NES-MEP-UI-SPIFFS"-folder
- After uploading the update.wwws file, please reboot the module
- Wait around a minute so the module enters AP Mode again, open the page You will see a menu bar at top
- Go to the Configure menu. If you are prompted for a login/password, just leave the fields empty as you have not setup any values yet and hit the login button. On the config page you should fill these fields: WiFi SSID and Password, the User login and Password you want on the module and the MBK key you got from your power company. Save and restart the module
Congratulations. Your module is now up and running and should connect to your WiFi.
Recovery startup procedure - when our software IS already installed:
- Insert the module in your meter (or power it on with a powersupply or similar)
- When no WiFi is configured or the module cannot connect to the configured WiFi (it will try for around one minute), it will go into AP Mode with the name "esp32-mep" (subject to change in the future). Connect a device with a browser to this AP. If you are asked for a password use 123456 or 12345678
- Open the page "". This recovery page supports formatting the SPIFFS file system, uploading of firmware (.bin) files and web (.wwws) files, and is independent of the web files on the SPIFFS (so it should always work). As just just programmed the initial firmware, you only have to format the SPIFFS file system and upload the web (*.wwws) file now. You will find the latest update.wwws file in the "NES-MEP-UI-SPIFFS"-folder
- Optional: If you think the SIPFFS file system is corrupted and/or would like to start over. Format it. It will take a few seconds, but the page should reload when the ESP32 is done
- After uploading the .bin-file, please reboot the module
- Wait a bit so the module enters AP Mode again (might be up to a minute or so if WiFi is configured), re-open the page
- After uploading the update.wwws file, please reboot the module
- Wait a bit so the module enters AP Mode again (might be up to a minute or so if WiFi is configured), open the regular (non-recovery) start-page You will see a menu bar at top
- Go to the Configure menu. If you are prompted for a login/password, just leave the fields empty as you have not setup any values yet and hit the login button. On the config page you should fill these fields: WiFi SSID and Password, the User login and Password you want on the module and the MBK key you got from your power company. Save and restart the module
Congratulations. Your module is now up and running and should connect to your WiFi.
Regular software update procedure:
- Get the new files from this repository. The latest *.bin file is located here "NES-MEP-UI\build\esp32.esp32.esp32doit-devkit-v1\NES-MEP-UI.ino.bin". The latest .wwws file is located here "NES-MEP-UI-SPIFFS\update.wwws"
- Open the module start page and go to the "Upload firmware" menu. First upload the .bin file, let the module reboot and then upload the .wwws file
- Close the browser page and reopen it
Note: If this fails for any reason, you can also use the recovery page (http://esp32-mep.local/recovery) to upload both files
Congratulations. Your module is now up and running and should connect to your WiFi.
Regular setup procedure - when our latest software IS already installed and ready: If you just received a module with the latest software pre-installed, or you change your WIFI you need to (re-)configure the module following this procedure
- Insert the module in your meter (or power it on with a powersupply or similar)
- When no WiFi is configured or the module cannot connect to the configured WiFi (it will try for around one minute), it will go into AP Mode with the name "esp32-mep" (subject to change in the future). Connect a device with a browser to this AP. If you are asked for a password use 123456 or 12345678
- Open the regular (non-recovery) start-page You will see a menu bar at top
- Go to the Configure menu. If you are prompted for a login/password, just leave the fields empty as you have not setup any values yet and hit the login button. On the config page you should fill these fields: WiFi SSID and Password, the User login and Password you want on the module and the MBK key you got from your power company. Save and restart the module
Congratulations. Your module is now up and running and should connect to your WiFi.
2024-01-04: DIYtechie contributed with this example configuration for Home Assistant via MQTT:
`mqtt: sensor:
name: "Echelon power draw total (live)" availability_topic: "dabbler/lwt" payload_available: "Online" payload_not_available: "Offline" state_topic: "dabbler/meterConsumptionFwd/mydatajson" value_template: '{{ value_json.Fwd_W }}' unit_of_measurement: "W"
name: "Echelon L1 power draw" availability_topic: "dabbler/lwt" payload_available: "Online" payload_not_available: "Offline" state_topic: "dabbler/meterConsumptionFwd/mydatajson" value_template: '{{ value_json.L1_Fwd_W }}' unit_of_measurement: "W"
name: "Echelon L2 power draw" availability_topic: "dabbler/lwt" payload_available: "Online" payload_not_available: "Offline" state_topic: "dabbler/meterConsumptionFwd/mydatajson" value_template: '{{ value_json.L2_Fwd_W }}' unit_of_measurement: "W"
name: "Echelon L3 power draw" availability_topic: "dabbler/lwt" payload_available: "Online" payload_not_available: "Offline" state_topic: "dabbler/meterConsumptionFwd/mydatajson" value_template: '{{ value_json.L3_Fwd_W }}' unit_of_measurement: "W"
name: "Echelon total energy consumption" availability_topic: "dabbler/lwt" payload_available: "Online" payload_not_available: "Offline" state_topic: "dabbler/meterConsumptionTotal/mydatajson" value_template: '{{ value_json.Fwd_Act_Wh }}' unit_of_measurement: "Wh"`