Tags: DannyDainton/newman-reporter-htmlextra
Toggle v1.19.2's commit message
Added an a helper output from the CLI to display the reporters option…
…s and version
Toggle v1.19.1's commit message
Added a bit more feedback when Newman is running with the reporter (#270
Toggle v1.19.0's commit message
Added a new `hideRequestBody` flag to allow you _hide_ a specific req…
…uest body from the final report (#261 )
Toggle v1.18.0's commit message
Fixed an issue with empty `request name / header name` on certain CLI…
… flags
Toggle v1.17.4's commit message
Added the Folder level descriptions (#253 )
Toggle v1.17.3's commit message
Added a new logo to the project - Expertly created by Bruce Hughes (T…
…he Legend)
Toggle v1.17.2's commit message
Adding a new flag to show Global variables in the report
Toggle v1.17.1's commit message
Optional `--reporter-htmlextra-timezone` flag to specify the timezone…
… in the report timestamp
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