Currently none of this stuff actually works (Apart from the allow list which is my own personal list of domains I need unblocked).
Project on hold because some domains refuse to work with adguard and so now I put lancache-dns in front of adguard Automate creating dns rewrite lists for lancachenet using cache-domains and github actions.
just copy the raw url into pihole or adguard home
- due to the fact that Adguard doesn't accept DNS rewrites in list form and so just ignores it when it's an allow or deny list.
- Work around might be possible using this, this, and this
- Also noticed that using a modified version of scripts I was able to generate the lists in plain old DNS format which can be inserted into Adguard as custom filtering rules
for example, only problem is that requires a lot of copying and pasting.
- Currently my setup for pi-hole I just put all the .conf files generated by using the dnsmasq scripts