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Sierra-Axe Video Streaming Server

A Dockerfile installing NGINX, nginx-rtmp-module and FFmpeg from source with default settings for HLS and DASH live streaming. Built on Alpine Linux.

The server allows video streaming sources to be streamed over RTMP, which then are converted to mpeg streams viewable over an HTTP webpage or as a raw RTMP source. Multiple stream sources are available, so you may have a large amount of input streams, that are consumed by a "video producer" using software such as OBS Studio. The producer may then edit the streams, feeding back a master stream viewable by end users.

graph LR;
1(Stream Source 1) -- RTMP --> Sierra-Axe;
2(Stream Source 2) -- RTMP --> Sierra-Axe;
producer(OBS Producer) -- RTMP --> Sierra-Axe;
Sierra-Axe -- RTMP --> producer(OBS Producer);
subgraph Sierra-Axe Container;
Sierra-Axe -- HLS/DASH --> viewer(HTTP Viewer);


  • Build and run container from source:
docker build --no-cache -t sierra-axe .
docker run -it -p 1935:1935 -p 8080:80 --rm sierra-axe

OBS Configuration

  • Stream Type: Custom Streaming Server

  • URL: rtmp://sierra-axe-server:1935/stream

  • Stream Key: $STREAM_NAME <- unique stream key for that particular instance

  • or with ffmpeg the destination will be:


Watch Stream

  • The RTMP streams can be watched directly with the source:
  • Browser based viewing using HLS:
  • or the alternate viewer using DASH: