ZynAddSubFX is a fully featured musical software synthesizer for Linux, MacOS, BSD, and Windows. ZynAddSubFX exposes a wide array of synthesis parameters to make it flexible tool for sound design and a fun experience for playing instruments.
Polyphonic with support for legato and mono playing modes
Three synthesizer engines:
Additive Synthesis for classic synth sounds composed of a variety of voices with powerful modulation. This exposes modulators ranging from LFOs and envelopes to oscillator modulators for FM, PM, and AM.
Subtractive Synthesis for creating variable bandwidth harmonics from filtered white noise
PAD synthesis for creating beautiful pads and other instruments
Powerful waveform generator with up to 128 sine/non-sine harmonics
A variety of filters including analogue modeled filters, formant filters, and state variable filters.
Envelopes can have ADSR (or ASR, etc..) modes or can be free modes (with any shape)
Effects for Reverb, Echo, Chorus/Flange, Phasing, Wave-shaping, Equalizing, Dynamic Filtering with flexible signal routing
Instruments can be organized in kits, which allows you to make drum kits or layered instruments; this makes possible to use more than one instrument for a single part. It is possible to choose what items from the kit should be processed by the Part’s effects.
Randomness settings to create subtle differences in each sound to help create that familiar analogue warmth.
Microtonal capabilities with any scale, up to 128 notes per octave, and key mapping
Extensive MIDI/Audio driver support including JACK, ALSA, OSS, and PortAudio
Session Management Support via LASH/NSM
Plugin Support via DSSI/LV2/VST
Over 1100 high quality instruments included
For more information see:
The project page: http://zynaddsubfx.sf.net
The mailing list: http://lists.sourceforge.net/mailman/listinfo/zynaddsubfx-user
The public forum: http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=47
The IRC channel: ##zynaddsubfx on freenode
ZynAddSubFX depends on a number of dependencies for building. For more information on building the core along with the FLTK based interface see doc/building.txt and for building the new interface see https://github.com/zynaddsubfx/zyn-fusion-build
FFTW 3.x.x - necessary for Fast Fourier computations
MXML-2.5+ - from www.minixml.org
zlib library from http://www.zlib.org
Liblo - networked open sound control
FLTK (for the old user interface)
NTK (for the old user interface)
CxxTest (for unit tests)
Sibling projects:
rtosc - realtime open sound control https://github.com/fundamental/rtosc
mruby-zest - the framework for the zyn-fusion GUI https://github.com/mruby-zest/mruby-zest