DISCLAIMER: Following steps are for WINDOWS and Anaconda installed but procedure for different setups is similar.
There must be a Fork button in the top right corner of Github page. This creates a new copy of my demo repo under your GitHub user account with a URL like: https://github.com//zappycode-django
Next, clone the repo by opening the Anaconda prompt on your computer and running the command:
git clone https://github.com/<YourUserName>/zappycode-django
Once the repo is cloned, you need to do two things: Create a new branch by issuing the command:
git checkout -b new_branch
(name it whatever you like. Here, it is new_branch) Create a new remote for the upstream repo with the command:git remote add upstream https://github.com/<your username>/zappycode-django
Make a virtual environment using-
conda create --name zappycodeenv python=3.6.9
If virtual environment isn't activated automatically, enter:conda activate zappycodeenv
Install requirements:- The Pipfile and Pipfile.lock contain dependencies. Read pipfiles to know how to use them to install dependecies. If that doesn't work, do as directed below:
- If you don't have pipenv, install it using
pip install pipenv
- Enter:
pipenv lock -r
(You need to be present in the zappycode directory!) - When it says "Successfully created virtual environment!"
copy and paste Everything below virtualenv location in a text file and save it in the zappycode project cloned folder by the name of requirements.txt.
pip install -r requirements.txt
in shell.
Run the server using
python manage.py runserver
, open a browser and go to or localhost:8000 - If you don't have pipenv, install it using
Now you can make changes to the code.
Push it!
git push -u origin new_branch
Once you push the changes to your repo, the Compare & pull request button will appear in GitHub. Click it!
Add some info about the changes you made and click 'Create pull request' button.