Update doctor page #53
10 warnings
This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously. Consider using the 'await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread.
Possible null reference argument for parameter 'source' in 'IEnumerable<<anonymous type: int Id, string IsHanded, string Comments, string Status, DateTime Date, double Distance, string DriverName, string MechanicName, string CarName, int CarId>> Enumerable.Select<MechanicHandoverDto, <anonymous type: int Id, string IsHanded, string Comments, string Status, DateTime Date, double Distance, string DriverName, string MechanicName, string CarName, int CarId>>(IEnumerable<MechanicHandoverDto> source, Func<MechanicHandoverDto, <anonymous type: int Id, string IsHanded, string Comments, string Status, DateTime Date, double Distance, string DriverName, string MechanicName, string CarName, int CarId>> selector)'.
Possible null reference argument for parameter 'source' in 'IEnumerable<<anonymous type: int Id, string IsAccepted, string Comments, string Status, DateTime Date, double Distance, string DriverName, string MechanicName, string CarName, int CarId>> Enumerable.Select<MechanicAcceptanceDto, <anonymous type: int Id, string IsAccepted, string Comments, string Status, DateTime Date, double Distance, string DriverName, string MechanicName, string CarName, int CarId>>(IEnumerable<MechanicAcceptanceDto> source, Func<MechanicAcceptanceDto, <anonymous type: int Id, string IsAccepted, string Comments, string Status, DateTime Date, double Distance, string DriverName, string MechanicName, string CarName, int CarId>> selector)'.
Possible null reference argument for parameter 'source' in 'IEnumerable<<anonymous type: int Id, string DriverName, string DoctorName, string IsHealthy, string Comments>> Enumerable.Select<DoctorReviewDto, <anonymous type: int Id, string DriverName, string DoctorName, string IsHealthy, string Comments>>(IEnumerable<DoctorReviewDto> source, Func<DoctorReviewDto, <anonymous type: int Id, string DriverName, string DoctorName, string IsHealthy, string Comments>> selector)'.
Possible null reference argument for parameter 'source' in 'IEnumerable<SelectListItem> Enumerable.Select<DriverDto, SelectListItem>(IEnumerable<DriverDto> source, Func<DriverDto, SelectListItem> selector)'.
Possible null reference argument for parameter 'source' in 'IEnumerable<SelectListItem> Enumerable.Select<DoctorDto, SelectListItem>(IEnumerable<DoctorDto> source, Func<DoctorDto, SelectListItem> selector)'.
Possible null reference argument for parameter 'source' in 'IEnumerable<<anonymous type: int Id, string DriverName, string DoctorName, string IsHealthy, string Comments>> Enumerable.Select<DoctorReviewDto, <anonymous type: int Id, string DriverName, string DoctorName, string IsHealthy, string Comments>>(IEnumerable<DoctorReviewDto> source, Func<DoctorReviewDto, <anonymous type: int Id, string DriverName, string DoctorName, string IsHealthy, string Comments>> selector)'.
Non-nullable field 'Days' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring the field as nullable.
Possible null reference argument for parameter 'source' in 'List<RoleDto> Enumerable.ToList<RoleDto>(IEnumerable<RoleDto> source)'.
Possible null reference return.
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.