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Graph editor

This is my project related to graphs, algorithm and development in c#.

For Developers

If you want to contribute please follow by one of the prepared guides or make it by your own.


  • Developing your own graph using comfort UI
  • Project serialization. You can create, store and view your project.
  • Develop several projects in one time with TabControl.
  • Popular algoritims with animation (DFS, BFS, Single source shortest path, Spanning tree)
  • Project templates - speed up your graph building process

Programming Priciples

Single Responsibility - all classes have only one purpose. For example, each model located in corresponing class.

Open/Closed Principle - all classes are open for extending, but closed for changes.

Interface Segregation Principle - in my solution each class do not contains unnecessary methods for child classes.

KISS - solution is well-structurized and class purpose correspondes to their actual names, this allow other user to upbuild the project because it will be remained simple and modular.

DRY - solution do not contains repeating code, classes are well-structurized.

Design Patterns

MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)

Main architecture pattern from the MVC family. Used to separate business logic and UI development.


Used for create bindings to the hotkeys in the menu.

    <KeyBinding Key="N"
                Command="{Binding CreateEmptyProjectCommand}"
public class CreateEmptyProjectCommand : Command
    private MainWindowModelView _mainWindowModelView;

    public CreateEmptyProjectCommand(MainWindowModelView mainWindowModelView) {
        _mainWindowModelView = mainWindowModelView;

    public override void Execute(object? parameter)
        // load from application settings default graph model.
        GraphProjectModel editorModel = new(new UndirectedGraphModel());

        var project = new GraphProjectModelView(editorModel, "");



Editor have several states (modes), that you can change using ui. Each state can be used to edit your graph or implement algorithms. This pattern solve problematic code below.

public void Vetex_Click(object sender, EventArgs args){
    case "HideTool":
        ((Vertex)sender).Hide(); break;
    case "RemoveTool":
        // get graph where this vertex located and remove it.
    // more more and more, for each added tool we should edit this method. Even harder it makes thing that Vertex_Click it's not single event callback we should handle. 
public void Vetex_Click(object sender, EventArgs args){
   Editor.State.Vertex_Click(sender, args);

public class HideState: EditorState { }
public class RemoveState: EditorState { }


You can use or develop custom algorithm for given purpose (shortest path algorithm can be implemented in several ways).

public interface IShortestPathAlgorithm
    public ShortestPathResult FindShortestPath(IGraphModel graph, VertexModel source, VertexModel target, params object[] args);

public class DijkstraAlgorithm : IShortestPathAlgorithm
    public ShortestPathResult FindShortestPath(IGraphModel graph, VertexModel source, VertexModel target, params object[] args);

public class AStar : IShortestPathAlgorithm
    public ShortestPathResult FindShortestPath(IGraphModel graph, VertexModel source, VertexModel target, params object[] args);


MVVM pattern based in observer pattern. Also WPF have strong binding tool that is based in INotifyPropertyChanged interface. How that works? We have several viewModels that have properties, when they change, they call PropertyChanged event, which reflects to the UI.

public abstract class NotifyModelView : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler? PropertyChanged;

    protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

public class GraphProjectModelView: NotifyModelView{
    public double OffsetY
        get { return Model.OffsetY; }
            Model.OffsetY = value;

In example above we have OffsetY property, if we try to set some value, UI will be updated after that.

Also as bonus i used events in the GraphModel to simplify GraphModelView

public interface IGraphModel: IGraphModel<VertexModel, EdgeModel> { }

public interface IGraphModel<TVertex, TEdge>
    where TVertex : VertexModel
    where TEdge : EdgeModel
    // Basic methods for the graph.
    public event EventHandler<TVertex>? OnVertexAdded;
    public event EventHandler<TEdge>? OnEdgeAdded;
    public event EventHandler<TVertex>? OnVertexRemoved;
    public event EventHandler<TEdge>? OnEdgeRemoved;

public class GraphModelView: NotifyModelView{
    public IGraphModel Model { get; private set; }

    private void AssignEvents()
        // this private methods depends from graph model, when model changes, modelView updates, then it notificate the view.
        Model.OnEdgeAdded += (sender, edge) => AddEdgeView(edge);
        Model.OnEdgeRemoved += (sender, edge) => RemoveEdgeView(edge);
        Model.OnVertexAdded += (sender, vertex) => AddVertexView(vertex);
        Model.OnVertexRemoved += (sender, vertex) => RemoveVertexView(vertex);

Abstract Factory

Abstract factory pattern used for GraphModel generation via Ctr+G command.

public interface IGraphFactory
    public DirectedGraphModel CreateDirectedGraph();
    public UndirectedGraphModel CreateUndirectedGraph();

public class SnowflakeGraphFactory: IGraphFactory
    public DirectedGraphModel CreateDirectedGraph(){}

    public UndirectedGraphModel CreateUndirectedGraph(){}

Refactoring Techniques

  • Move method - methods that are not related to class should be moved somewhere.
  • Rename method - often my methods have name that not describes actual method at all.
  • Replace Array with Object - in my case, when i created IAlgorithm classes, they return tuples (constant arrays) with vertices and edges that are used for route building. Later i changed it to result object with all information related to path.

Future plans

  • history for your commands, ctr+z (implement via Memento pattern)
  • custom editor component
  • centralized editor camera
  • directed graph


Models manages data that can be serialized such as camera zoom, position, project properties, graph ...


Purpose of ModelViews to bind values from the models to views and provide commands for interaction from views.


In the views we define our MainWindow and other components like Editor, ToolBar, GraphElements (Edges, Vertices).


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