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Hello and welcome to the home of the ncurses snake game written in neovim by one enthusiast in his spare time!

Game features

  • Speed
  • Performance
  • Beauty
  • Portability
  • Tries to be POSIX-compliant
  • "Window" system
  • Game itself
  • Scoreboard
  • Help window
  • Log windows
  • Terminal options


Pause Game over
Standby Scoreboard
Help Log


How to install

Installing dependencies

Game relies on the

  • newcurses C library, likely You will have to install it on Your machine.
  • cmake program.
Mac OS

If You use MacOS You can install newcurses with homebrew simply by

brew install ncurses
Unix-like OS

Short answer: It depends.
For example, if You are using Ubuntu You can install newcurses and g++ by

sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev clang

If You say I use Arch btw often, You can try

sudo pacman -S ncurses g++

If Your distro isn't mentioned here, try to use google:

how to install ncurses in *put Your distro name here*

how to install g++ in *put Your distro name here*

how to get cmake running on *put Your distro name here*

Getting the sources

Enter desired directory and run

git clone
cd snake-cpp

It will create the directory with name snake-cpp and enter it. Then You have to compile the game.

Compiling the game

To build the game You can:

cmake -B build; cmake --build build

It will create the game executable snakegame in the build/src directory.

Running the game

  • Open the terminal window not smaller than 42 lines by 80 columns

  • To start the game You can execute


    in the git directory root.

    If You are new to the game (probably You are), I recommend You to start game with the --help or -h option, so You can get used to it.

    ./build/src/snakegame --help

Game files will be located in ../var relative to game executable (build/var if following this guide).


If You find any bugs or unexpected behaviors or just want to contribute to the snake-cpp, You are welcome at the issues tab.