A very simple SinglePlayer Map Renderer for 7 Days To Die.
Visit https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?30280-SinglePlayer-Map-Renderer for more information and discussion.
7DTD-SingleMapRenderer.exe /? will print the following help:
/m or /map=<value> Path to the map file
/i or /image=<value> Path to the image file
/p or /poi=<value> Path to the POI file
/ts or /tilesize=<value> Size of each map tile (16, 8, 4, 2, 1)
/bg or /background Draws background from in-game map
/g or /grid Draws grid
/gs or /gridsize=<value> Size of a grid cell
/gc or /gridcolor=<value> Name of the grid color
/ga or /gridalpha=<value> Alpha value of the grid color
/rn or /region Draws region numbers
/rfn or /regfontname=<value> Name of font for region numbers
/rfs or /regfontsize=<value> Size of font for region numbers
/w or /waypoints Draws waypoints
/wfn or /wayfontname=<value> Name of font for waypoint names
/wfs or /wayfontsize=<value> Size of font for waypoint names
/wfc or /wayfontcolor=<value> Name of the waypoint font color
/ds or /datastore Uses a DataStore for all map tiles
Only the map-switch is required. All other switches are optional.
7DTD-SingleMapRenderer.exe /map="%appdata%\7DaysToDie\Saves\<Path to file>.map" /i="%userprofile%\Desktop\map.png" /bg
Will render the map to your desktop with the in-game background.
Inspiration for this project
Writing an awesome library for reading/writing a player's profile