Reverse-engineered 26x7 LED matrix driver for LED glasses, allowing custom animations using a microcontroler.
Want to see it in action? Check out these examples.
This repository contains:
- circuit connections
- example arduino code
- reverse engineering history
- bitmap image generator
GlassesLed26x7 is circuit board used in LED Glasses like these from Aliexpress or these.
It is a 26x7 LED matrix designed using Charlieplexing
The design uses a HC899S003A, but I removed it and used an ESP32 for convenience.
You have to drive the LEDs with around 3.3V !!! That is why I used an ESP32, what i had on hand.
I have numbered the pins in order (not the chip pin numbers or ESP pin numbers).
- 1-13 digital high and low
- 14-16 digital low only
- VCC was originally used for battery +
- BTN was originally used for button
The board includes 5 pins for flashing firmware to the original HC899S003A chip.
(If you manage to do it I can link you)
The pins connect LEDs into 13 sections of 14 LEDs
Whenever a pin for digital low would be the same as digital high it is swapped for 15 (for odd section number) and 16 (for even section number)
Having an array of microcontroler pins pins
we can drive the matrix iterating throuth every pin for each section and light them up occording to the bitmap image.
Example code of displaying bitmap.
Another one using asyncronous method.
I also built a bitmap generator for ease of development.
Driving the matrix using register manipulation for longer glow time, thus brighter image.
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL-3.0) - see the LICENSE file for details.