Status: Under Development
A python package for robot navigation algorithms.
The package is currently under development so we suggest installing from source.
git clone
cd gennav
python -m pip install .
pip install gennav
To plan a path using the Rapidly-exploring random tree algorithm in a polygon based environment representation.
from gennav.planners import RRT
from gennav.envs import PolygonEnv
from gennav.utils import RobotState
from gennav.utils.geometry import Point
from gennav.utils.samplers import UniformRectSampler
obstacles = [] # obstacles can be added here
env = PolygonEnv() # polygon environment to keep track of obstacles
env.update(obstacles) # updating environment with obstacles
sampler = UniformRectSampler(-5, 15, -5, 15) # for sampling random states
planner = RRT(sampler=sampler, expand_dis=0.1) # creating the planner
start = RobotState(position=Point(1, 1)) # starting state
goal = RobotState(position=Point(10, 10)) # goal state
path, info_dict = planner.plan(start, goal, env) # planning path through obstacles
Note that the environment have been left blank empty here, they should be updated as per use case.
For more details you can refer to our documentation.
If you wish to use gennav in a ROS based stack, check out gennav_ros.
Contributions are always welcome. We reccomend you check out contribution guidelines and view the docs beforehand.