474 commits
to main
since this release
What's Changed
CTSM coupling
- Temporary implementation of the array to export from rof to lnd by @nmizukami in #274
- Enabling water abstraction with Irrigation demand by @nmizukami in #288
- exporting volume (volr) to land model and handling negative qgwl by @nmizukami in #297
- Direct_to_outlet option for negative flow handling by @nmizukami in #313, #315
- Add a custom grid option for cesm-coupling by @ekluzek in #345
- Add HDMA lake ntopo file settings by @ekluzek in #329
- Add more lake options to the cesm-coupling control file by @ekluzek in #335
- Updates on sample control file for cesm-coupling by @nmizukami in #312
CESM system testing
- CTSM-mizuRoute test config update by @nmizukami in #258
- Fix rpointer file IO by @nmizukami in #269
- Add some lake tests to the test list update lake dataset and fix some coupled issues by @ekluzek in #371
- Some fixes so can run on izumi (including nag compilier) by @ekluzek in #391
Time management change
- independent simulation time-step and forcing time-step by @nmizukami in #336
- Including t_bound variable in a history file and resulting changes by @nmizukami in #394
- modified datetime class and keep track of time in second (not day) for both forcing and simulation time by @nmizukami in #398, #402
Model physics
- Doll lake formulation improvement by @ShervanGharari in #331.
- implementation of water balance computation for reach and drainage area by @nmizukami in #318, #319, #326
- reach/lake water balance error check and minor fix/cleanup in lake and irf routing by @nmizukami in #361
- water can be abstracted from residual reach volume and outflow by @nmizukami in #362
- enabling water-take and water-injection for other routing methods by @nmizukami in #311
- default minimum discharge by @nmizukami in #321
User specified history output frequency
- User specified history write frequency by @nmizukami in #353
- Reading aggregated history variables from restart netcdf by @nmizukami in #364
Gauge location output capability
- Incorporating gage meta (ascii) into output by @nmizukami in #279
- history file name convention for gauge only output by @nmizukami in #393
Continue run capability
- initial implementation for continuous_run by @nmizukami in #260
- history and restart file name control by @nmizukami in #261
- Enabling opening of the last history file for continue run by @nmizukami in #271
Run with multiple routing methods
- Running with multiple routing schemes by @nmizukami in #264
- Added accumRunoff as a part of routing scheme options with routOpt=0 by @nmizukami in #265
- Enabled reach volume IO for KW, MC and DW routings from/to restart file by @nmizukami in #317
Code style, cleanup
- Clean-up temporal arrays for mpi scattering by @nmizukami in #268
- Cleaning by @nmizukami in #278
- fixed wrong variable names - cmessage and message by @nmizukami in #322
- rename variable name by @nmizukami in #320
- use select type to compact the generic routine by @nmizukami in #373
- use abstract route class by @nmizukami in #405
- miscellaneous changes by @nmizukami in #272
- pio resource cleanup by @nmizukami in #287
- Minor naming changes by @nmizukami in #316
- default value for continue_run parameter by @nmizukami in #284
- subset history file writing and improving history writing efficiency by @nmizukami in #286
- history file name change by @nmizukami in #401
Miscellaneous improvement
- Add number of MPI tasks to restart file to ensure they are the same when reading by @ekluzek in #251
- Abort if a variable in control file include TAB by @nmizukami in #314
- Write git information in history file global attributes by @nmizukami in #363, #370
- Fixed the restart error when single core is used. by @nmizukami in #282
- bugfixes in init and run routines for ctsm-coupling by @nmizukami in #360
- cesm-coupling bugfix by @nmizukami in #374
- Fix single core run error in cesm-coupling mode. by @nmizukami in #379
- Fix cesm restarting: by @nmizukami in #381
- Fix lake volume initialization(use maximum storage) by @nmizukami in #408
- move fileVar (variable I/O control) changes in a separate subroutine by @nmizukami in #333
- Readthedoc updates by @nmizukami in #365, #366
- change testCase data link by @nmizukami in #367
Full Changelog: cesm-coupling.n00_v2.0.1...cesm-coupling.n01_v2.1.0