Ideal's Shop is a comparator of multiples shop for find the best price.
To begin using this website, choose one of the following options to get started:
- Download the latest release on Ideal-WebApp
- Clone the repo:
git clone
- Fork, Clone, or Download on GitHub
After downloading, simply edit the HTML and CSS files included in src
folder in your favorite text editor to make changes. These are the only files you need to worry about, you can ignore everything else! To preview the changes you make to the code, you can run gulp build
open the vendor/index.html
file in your web browser.
After installation, run npm install
and then run gulp dev
which will open up a preview of the template in your default browser, watch for changes to core template files, and live reload the browser when changes are saved. You can view the gulpfile.js
to see which tasks are included with the dev environment.
You can else run gulp --tasks
to see all tasks availables and get details on each task.
Ideal Shop is a school project.
It was created by TODO.
This website is based on the Bootstrap framework and jQuery library.