Brio is currently in alpha, and as such, there may be bugs. If you find any, please report them!
- Actor Posing
- While animating
- Adjust actor positions without them resetting
- Overlay and graphical posing modes
- Creation and Deletion of GPose actors (up to 239)
- Edit Actor Appearances
- Change the Penumbra collection applied to GPose actors
- Play XAT's .xcp camera files
- Add/Remove/Blend animations on GPose actors (and adjust their speed)
- Change the active festivals and apply up to 4 at once (Moonfire Faire for fireworks etc)
- Add/Remove Status Effects on GPose actors
- Control Time/Weather in both the Overworld and GPose
- Redraw control of GPose actors
- NPC Appearance Hack (Allows you to apply NPC appearances to players without breaking tools like Penumbra)
📦 With the Sea of Stars Plugin Repository (Recommended)
- Type
in the chat window and go to the Experimental tab - Then go to the 'Experimental' tab. Under the Custom Plugin Repositories section, add the following Dalamud repo:
- Click on the + button & ensure the Enabled box is checked on the repo.
- Click on the save button in the bottom right
- Now open the Dalamud Plugin Installer by opening FFXIV's System Menu then pressing Dalamud Plugins
- In the Search box type
, find & click on Brio and then clickInstall
after Dalamud has finshed installing Brio, make sure the Brio plugin is Enabled in the Plugin Installer. - You now have Brio Installed, Brio will now open when you are in G-Pose, you can also type
in chat to open the Brio Window.
Not Recommended!
in the chat window and go to the Experimental tab
- Click on the + button & ensure the Enabled box is checked on the repo.
- Click on the save button in the bottom right
- Now open the Dalamud Plugin Installer by opening FFXIV's System Menu then pressing Dalamud Plugins
- In the Search box type
, find & click on Brio and then clickInstall
after Dalamud has finshed installing Brio, make sure the Brio plugin is Enabled in the Plugin Installer. - You now have Brio Installed, Brio will now open when you are in G-Pose, you can also type
in chat to open the Brio Window.
Brio is still early in development so issues are to be expected.
If you encounter an issue, please either, visit us on the Aetherworks Discord or open an issue!
We also have a Help Page that is coming soon!
Minmoose - Maintainer & Developer.
Asgard - Original Maintainer & Developer.
Thank You, to all of our Contributors!
Brio wouldn't be possible without the tireless work of many devs across many projects.
A special thanks goes to:
Find out more here.
Brio is licensed under the GPL 3.0 license.