Diversity is a Minecraft Fabric mod that introduces a wide range of features to enhance the gameplay experience. From quality of life improvements to new mob behaviors and random sh*t, this mod offers a little bit of everything. The mod is designed to work on server-side only installations as well.
Current feature: 57 (+6 in the latest version)
- Goat drops wool and mutton.
- Shear can be used on
andSugar cane
to prevent it from growing. - Using the clock will show current time.
- End stone is cheese (Disabled by default, only in 1.21)
- Reverse phantom spawn condition. (Phantom will spawn if the player continuously sleeps skipping the night, default: false)
- Slime chunk detector: Holding a
Slime Ball
,Slime Block
, or items with thediversity:slime_detector
tag will emit particles and sound when in a slime chunk, with a 10% chance while walking/running and 70% chance when sneaking.
1 tick delay copper bulbs (Disabled by default)
Make copper bulb block delay 1 tick like in the snapshot.

Backup Enchantments type
Add weaker versions of the four protection enchantments.\nThese provide extra protection with effects identical to the originals but at only 25% of their original power.

Bonemeal Coral fan/block
Coral fans and Coral blocks can be bonemeal (only in warm ocean biome) to grow into coral reef

Bonemeal Small flowers
Small flowers (except wither rose and torch flower) can be bonemeal to make it spreads around.

Trophy banners
Add some Ominous banner-like banners as trophy. Obtains via boss drops, Shepherd Villager's gifts (Hero of the Village),...

Bundle enchantments
Add 2 enchantment for bundle (refill and capacity). If mod installed in client-side, slot indicator will calculate correctly.

Better enchanting table
Enchanting tables can accept bookshelves placed two blocks away and can see bookshelves through non-solid blocks.

Click through wall sign and item frame
Allows right-clicking through signs and item frames (must holding item) if they are placed on chests, barrels, or shulker boxes (container blocks). Behave exactly like normally open container.
Shift to rotate item/edit sign.

Invisible item frame
Make item frames invisible by shift + right-clicking a non-dyed glass pane into them. They stay invisible when holding an item, otherwise, they emit particles as indicators.

Usable empty suspicious sand/gravel
You can add items (by shift right-click) into empty suspicious sand and gravel.

No xp limit anvil
Removes the "Too Expensive" limitation from anvils. In Client side will still displays the "Too expensive" label, but still functional. This issue will be fixed if mod also installed in Client-side

No farmland trampling
Farmland is not trampled if the entity (including players) is wearing Feather Falling boots or has the Slow Falling effect.

Sleep without set respawn point
Sneak and right-click a bed to sleep without changing your respawn point.

Torch lights target on fire
If any entity holding torch while holding a torch, soul torch; target will be set on fire.

(reworked) Weather not skipped by sleeping (disable by default)
Sleeping doesn't clear weather.
RAIN_ONLY will keep rain only.
ALL_WEATHER will keep rain and thunder (this mode will prevent you from sleeping while thundering)
Bundle can place block
Switch to place mode by holding bundle and shift-leftclick to the ground. Then you can place block that inside the bundle.

Shear prevents plants grow
Shear can be used on `Saplings`, `Bamboo`, `Vine` and `Sugar cane` to prevent it from growing.

Spyglass "What is that?"
See additional block/entity information (noteblock, trailspawner cooldown, redstone power, xp stored inside furnace,...) with a Spyglass, default radius is 5 blocks, zoom with Spyglass will extend to 32 blocks

Slime chunk detector
Holding a `Slime Ball`, `Slime Block`, or items with the `diversity:slime_detector` tag will emit particles and sound when in a slime chunk, with a 10% chance while walking/running and 70% chance when sneaking.
Clock shows time
Use the clock to show the current world's time.
Clock check Villager schedule
Check villager work schedule by holding Clock in hand and right-click any type of workstation block.

Trident can call thunderstorm (Heavy inspired by "Storm channeling" of Vanilla Tweaks)
If standing at max y-level and throw a channeling trident (with >50% durability) up to the sky Thunder storm will be summoned, in return trident will lose channeling and all of durability (will not break)

Silent nametag
Nametag 'silent' 'shutup' will make mobs silent
Baby nametag
Nametag 'baby' will force baby animals never grow up
Explosive sniffer
Right-click powder (gun powder, blaze powder, sugar, redstone, glowstone dust) to Sniffer will make it sniffs and...
"To teach kids never to sniff something unknown."
- Faewulf

Goat drops wool and mutton
Goat drops wool and mutton when killed.
Pat your pet
Interact with your pets via shift + right-click (wolf, cat, horse, parrot) to pat them.

Egg on haybale auto hatch after despawn
Chicken eggs on haybale will try to hatch after it despawned.

Wandering trader announcer
Send a message to player when wandering trader appears.
Perform sound like meow, purr, purroew, and woof in chat. Inspired by plugin [PlayerMeowing](https://modrinth.com/plugin/playermeowing)
End stone is cheese (disable by default) (only 1.21)
you can eat end stone :)
Reverse phantom spawn condition. (disable by default)
Phantom will spawn if the player continuously sleeps skipping the night.
Almost all features can be toggle via config file: config/diversity.toml
- Fabric API
- (Optional) Permission manager mod like "Luck Perms"
If the "permission mode" is enabled via config file (permission mode disabled by default), you can manage features via
any permission manager mod.
*Be aware that, if permission mode is enabled but no permission manager mod installed, Diversity won't function
Currently there are only 2 permission right now:
Feature | Permission |
/emote | diversity.emote |
/slimechunkcheck* | diversity.slimechunkcheck* |
- (*) Removed in v2.1.0
Diversity is designed to be compatible with other Fabric mods. If you encounter any issues, please report them on the mod's issues tracker.
For support, feature requests, or bug reports, please visit the mod's GitHub issues page. or join my Discord server: link
You can use this mod in your modpack as long as giving proper credits.