🚽 Hackable startpage built using only vanilla HTML, CSS, and Javascript
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- 🖼️ An image that does nothing except to display your anime waifus or the shrek full movie gif
- 🍫 Searchbar using google
- ⏰ Greeter that greets you good morning and etc.
- ☁️ Weather API using openweathermap.org
- 🍮 Bookmark icons to your favorite sites (Youtube, Reddit, etc.)
Catppuccin logo from github.com/catppuccin/catppuccin
⚙️ Configuration:
const config = {
"name": "uwu nyaaa >//< ", //Your name which will be used to greet you
"weather": [
"API_KEY": "q48tggq389g7b_yourApiKey", //Get one from openweathermap.org
"City_Name": "London", // get your city's latitude and longitude on https://openweathermap.org/find
"latitude": "51.5085", // Your City's latitude
"longitude": "0.1257" // Your City's longitude
// Actual normal javascript
🖌️ Customization:
/* _____________COLOR CUSTOMIZATION____________________ */
:root {
--background-color: #181926;
--card-background-color: #1e2030;
--font-color: #cad3f5;
--font-color2: #ffff;
--links: silver;
--links-hover: navajowhite;
--searchbar-border: #1d1f2e;
--searchbar-focus: #3e3e3e;
/* Bookmark links */
--bookmark-icons: #535373;
--link1: red; /* Youtube */
--link2: orangered; /* Reddit */
--link3: deepskyblue; /* Facebook */
--link4: indianred; /* Revolt */
--link5: whitesmoke; /*Github */
/* _______________END OF COLORS_____________________________*/
🔗 You have to edit index.html in order to add/remove/edit links.
<!-- Card 1 links -->
<!-- <a class="something" href="https://yourlink.com">Your link title</a> -->
<a class="something" href="https://spotify.com">Spotify</a>
<a class="something" href="https://music.youtube.com">YT Music</a>
<a class="something" href="https://reddit.com/r/unixporn">r/unixprn</a>
- Firefox:
- Clone or download this repo
- Host this using XAMPP, MAMPP or whatever as long as it uses
- Use New Tab Overrider Plugin
Or: - edit mozilla.cfg or something
You try out this startpage here
Note: The weather API does not display the real weather in the live demo as you need an api key for it to work.
- use local storage thing to store api key so it can be used as a github pages site
- a separate file for configs
- themes and easier customizability of colors
- easier customizability of links
- make it more responsive