Modbus connector is extension for FastyBird IoT ecosystem which is integrating Modbus devices.
- Support for both Modbus RTU and TCP/IP communication protocols
- Capability to handle a diverse range of data types
- Ability to read and write from various Modbus memory areas, including coils, discrete inputs, holding registers, and input registers
- Integration with the FastyBird IoT devices module for easy management and monitoring of Modbus devices
- {JSON:API} schemas for full API access, providing a standardized and consistent way for developers to access and manipulate Modbus device data
- Regular updates with new features and bug fixes, ensuring that the Modbus Connector is always up-to-date and reliable.
Modbus Connector is a distributed extension that is developed in PHP, built on the Nette and Symfony frameworks, and is licensed under Apache2.
Modbus connector is tested against PHP 8.2 and require installed Process Control PHP extension.
This extension is part of the FastyBird IoT ecosystem and is installed by default. In case you want to create you own distribution of FastyBird IoT ecosystem you could install this extension with Composer:
composer require fastybird/modbus-connector
📖 Learn how to connect Modbus devices and manage them with FastyBird IoT system in documentation.
FastyBird is an Open Source IOT solution built from decoupled components with powerful API and the highest quality code. Read more on
📖 Documentation is available on
The sources of this package are contained in the FastyBird monorepo. We welcome contributions for this package on FastyBird/fastybird.
Use the issue tracker for bugs reporting or send an mail to us or you could reach us on X newtwork for any idea that can improve the project.
Thank you for testing, reporting and contributing.
For release info check release page.
Adam Kadlec |
Homepage and repository