Booting Utility for Laravel custom Packages
- Bootraiser saves you all the booting|publishable boilerplate required for a Laravel package.
- Bootraiser can be easily integrated into existing packages.
- Bootraiser is completely based on laravel
- no “extra-magic” packages necessary
If you write your own Laravel packages, parts of your package usually have to be booted in Laravel.
This can sometimes cost an unnecessary amount of time.
Filefabrik-Bootraiser provides you with all important Laravel boot methods immediately and without much configuration effort. It is also quite cool if the Laravel “publish” methods are supported so that views|translations|configs and so on, overrides can be published later.
- documentation:
- github-project:
Bootraiser strictly uses SemVer so please use ~2.0
composer require "filefabrik/bootraiser:~2.0"
Then go to your provider file, which is usually under:
YourPackageServiceProvider.php file looks like this:
namespace YourCompanyVendor\YourPackage\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class YourPackageServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function register(): void
public function boot(): void
Then which components you want to boot with Bootraiser as an Array or via Methods as above shown.
Note: You can enter all parts as boot parts. Bootraiser only boots the parts that are actually in your package.
The following "load" mechanisms are available to you:
- configs
- routes
- migrations
- translations
- views + view components
- commands
- livewire
- seeder, factory
- events, listener