FlyptoX is an open-source Node.js cryptocurrency exchange.
####**Currently in alpha development. Thorough testing is suggested. Pull requests are welcome.
- Our quick and easy setup tools allow you to configure, create, and deploy your own cryptocurrency exchange.
- The exchange supports crypto->crypto, testnet->testnet, testnet->virtualUSD exchanges out of the box.
- Crypto->Fiat exchange requires extra setup for regulation compliance and chargeback protections. This is the responsibility of the exchange operator to implement.
- Fiat currency withdrawals, deposits, wallets, and trading is supported - but you as exchange operator must enable these processes and the required compliance processes required in your region.
- Wallet integrations.
- More tests.
- Admin tools.
- Product Owner: Michael Symmes
- Scrum Master: Dick Treichel
- Development Team Members: Simon Burns, Amy Li, Mokhtar Naamani, Michael Symmes, Dick Treichel
git clone
cd FlyptoX
./flyptox setup
Rudimentary CLI for administration.
flyptox$: help
- Node 0.12.x
- Express 4.4.4
- Angular 1.2.26
- Postgresql 9.1.x
- 1.3.6
- Bookshelfjs 0.7.7
From within the projects root directory:
./flyptox setup
The flyptox database setup is set to use your username as its admin user/database. From here it will create the other databases it needs. If for some reason your database was not configured like this, you will have to set up a database and user with your username that has admin privileges (this is dev, not production).
Linux users:
You may have exta security measures to deal with as most distros tend to lock things down a bit more by default.
The quick and dirty solution looks like this:
In pg_hba.conf, ensure you have entries for your user and database set to 'trust'. In this example, we use flyptox for both user role and database name.
local flyptox flyptox trust host flyptox flyptox trust
As always, you should follow your own security best practices.
builds the client, starts nodemon running the server, and launches browser-sync to auto inject any clientside changes.
gulp serverTestRunner
runs a watcher on server files, and runs linting and tests when they change.gulp test:server
to run all server tests
builds the client, starts nodemon running the server, and launches browser-sync to auto inject any clientside changes. -
gulp test:client
to run all client tests -
Gulp uses nyan cat for server test by default.
You can use the switch
to get full test reportsgulp --spec
gulp serverTestRunner --spec
gulp server:test --spec
In utils/dbTools.js there are several utilities for working with the DB.
Run ./utils/dbTools
to overwrite the test db.
Run ./utils/dbTools --dev
to overwrite the dev db.
Run ./utils/dbTools --all
to overwrite the dev and test db's.
View the project roadmap here
Pull requests are welcome. Especially for tests. See for contribution guidelines.