This is a visual shader addon for Godot 4.2+. This adds the UVManipulation node to the visual shader editor.
This node allows you to change pivot point, scale, rotate and offset a UV.
The order of operation is: Change Pivot
> Scale
> Rotate
> Reset Pivot
> Offset
The rotate function is created first.
vec2 rotateUV(vec2 uv_in, float angle) {
float angle_rad = radians(angle);
mat2 rotate = mat2(
vec2(cos(angle_rad), -sin(angle_rad)),
vec2(sin(angle_rad), cos(angle_rad))
return rotate * uv_in;
Then the UV manipulation.
vec2 UVManip(vec2 uv, float scale_placeholder, float rotation_placeholder, vec2 pivot_placeholder, vec2 offset_placeholder) {
vec2 pivot_internal = clamp(pivot_placeholder, 0.0, 1.0);
uv -= pivot_internal;
uv *= scale_placeholder;
uv = rotateUV(uv, rotation_placeholder);
uv += pivot_internal;
uv += offset_placeholder;
return uv;
You can get it from the Asset Store in editor. Or extract the zip file and copy the folder to your project. You'll need to restart the editor for the node to appear in visual shader.